
Was anyone aproched about putting a road across there land to get to a well that is not on there land.

I was approched 2 weeks ago and told they need to cross my place due to for safty reasons they can not use the raod the well is being drilled on. ( Line of sight not enough to get trucks in and out)

I have 30 acres and where they want to put the road will cut my land in 2.

With knowing where they want to put the new well and where one is already drilled they will proble ask next about pipelines

My place is in Herric township Bradford County.

Thanks for any info you can send my way like how much are they offering

Thanks Rich

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Replies to This Discussion

Thank you for responding to my post.  This is helpful and we will keep this in mind.  We have been away so I did not get to see the reponses to my post until today.  The updated news is that the "landman" wants to meet with us with his supervisor.  I think this is because we are questioning the wording and terms in this agreement. What is the "No Access Road" clause and what protection does it provide?   We will not sign anything until we know it is worded right and thank you again for the advice, we will be careful!


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