I thought I would share a new website which shows gas well sites for Sullivan County.  It is run by the Sullivan County Office of Planning and Development. 


The link is www.sullivancounty-pa.us/files/planning/SullCoGas_Web.pdf


It is suppose to be updated every month or so. 

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carrizo is listed as an operator on the maps legend, I did'nt see any "yellow carrizo wells"???????? they were supposed to start sully activity in the 4th quarter of last year, but since everone is pulling back recently I figured they also jumped on board.  They must be in the process of something or they would not be listed on the map, my question is does anyone have any "CARRIZO SULLY" info?  anything?

vicki- they are pulling back because the price of gas has tanked. There are greener more profitable pastures elsewhere for now. They are waiting for prices to rise again and for pipelines to be built. There have been several articles in the Williamsport and Towanda papers. I will see if I can find some online links for you.

Here's one about chesapeake that appeared in the daily review in Jan


and a more recent one from the sun gazette


this site has been on for quite a while now but I,, as well as others sometimes have problems viewing it - it is not always easy to get.  maybe our server redirects or the page does not load correctly sometimes, but it is ok when it is up and running but sometimes it is a little behind the times compared to some of the other sites.

The Sullivan County gas well map has been updated for May 2012. It is interesting to see all the gas and water lines as well as declared units. Here is the link www.sullivancounty-pa.org/app/download/6457426304/GasWellTracking.pdf
The Sullivan County map has been updated for June.
The Sullivan County Map has been updated for June.
The link is the same www.sullivancounty-pa.org/app/download/6457426304/GasWellTracking.pdf

Can one find out when a DEP ESCGP-1 PERMIT is applied for, what landowners are affected? I'm interested in the ones in Fox TWP with Carrizo

Keith- Not sure what you're looking for or need. Have you searched the DEP via efacts?


via my own search there I found 1 ESCGP-1 permit  applied for and issued to Carizzo in Fox Twsp. There is also one pending for water obstruction and encroachment. Both are associated with the Baumunk Lake North site. Here's what I turned up with the authorization/permit numbers, etc

Authorization ID: 918083
Permit number: ESX12-113-0015
Authorization type: Expedited E&S Stormwater General Permit 1
Application type: New
Authorization is for: SITE
Date received: 03/09/2012
Status: Issued 03/28/2012


Site ID:    759315
Address:    41 34 52.18, 76 48 6.24 (this info is incorrect location- should be 41 34 52.18, -76 48 6.24 for Shunk)
Status:    Active

Client List
DEP Programs
Waterways and Wetlands
PA Municipalities
Fox Twp, Sullivan County

Site Permits
Authorization Id: 918083     
Authorization Type: Expedited E&S Stormwater General Permit 1
Date Received :03/09/2012     
Status/Date: Issued 03/28/2012

Facility Permits
Authorization Id: 927844    
Authorization Type: Water Obstruction & Encroachment Pmt
Date Received: 05/17/2012    
Status/Date: Pending

Site-Level and Primary Facility-Level Inspections
No records matched the criteria.


The county planning office might be able to give you more exact info as well as the DEP office in Williamsport. You can also sign up for DEP email notification for permit activity in Fox here:


Thanks Chris, 

When looking at Sullivan County Gas Well Map it appears Carrizo has applied at 4 different sites in Fox Twp for DEP ESCG-1 Permits. I'm trying to get a fix on the other sites.


The Sullivan County gas well map has been updated for November. www.sullivancounty-pa.org/app/download/6457426304/GasWellTracking.pdf

anyone have any idea where the Elk Run permits stand? I see two issued but I have heard that there is an issue of the club letting EXCO drill. Due to them not owning the OG rights.

The Planning Commission gas map has been updated for December.


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