My dad has a lease run out in June, and he had a landman stop yesterday. Apparently, they are offering $1,000 per acre.. LMFAO


Does Shell really think the landowners that signed the original BS leases are gonna come out and sign for that after their neighbors just signed for $3,250 6 months ago? I know, I know, it's the old they don't have competition. Tell you what, add up the acreage of all the old leases coming due, along with current holdouts, and they just found competiton. I really hope that landowners, without LAWYERS can keep communication lines open and not settle for BS lowball offers....

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Frank, but what about the proverbial round "3"? The first round is low, the second high. Then the third round they say, "we have you surrounded," we're dropping the bottom out. (My dad's case)

Noone has signed yet.

Lance, Frank's thoughts are correct - 'whole new game', BUT Frank - have you thought of THIS?...WHAT happened in Mercer Co.?

SO 'HOT!' - SHELL game SUCKER-PUNCHED? - Go Marcellus & Utica S...


Isn't it odd how this all took place? There IS a 'sweet spot', always's just when you're ready to 'pull' that it all 'goes down'. Whether it goes down smooth or not - that's up to the call. Third time can definitely 'be a charm', but WHOSE?...certainly was the 'sweet spot STOP' time for Mercer.

Just had a fella in who shared that it's been shared with him over a few brew that there are MORE 'shale layer depths' of which they (G?O Co.'s) are surprised to find as they keep 'going down' that they hit layer upon layer.


JUST had this thought...what is unique about Mercer/Butler area?...hint - it's a pretty big 'wet spot'. Right on...MORAINE! Go for a drip & see if you come up wet?!...good bet that you DO. Heads chatting on this probably had this thought too. WHAT/HOW is a 'Moraine''s the 'end of the road' for the glacier's. Slip & slide, pick up & dump what you've carried in your load at the end of your drive....

Guess what?...along the way had to be multiple corpses, leaves, + all set to decay & turn into CASH for the future. OK - now try on THIS possible thought for size... There MAY have bee a 'purposeful intent' in NOT letting people have those leases turn out they way they hoped.

Better to have fear, confusion, frustration DRIVE the lemmings off the cliff...then swing back in & look like a hero...

ANYONE know WHAT WELLS in the area have been tapped & WHAT is the production level OF those wells? Heard that this pad MAY have up to x8 units drilled on it...and it's LOADED! Deeper & deeper & deeper...and they're not done yet. YOWSA!...BLACK GOLD!!! right under your heels....

I think another 'key' has turned.

So WHY would that affect these CX Energy/M&PLaw 'lost leases'...because they DO want to 'lock them down', but just at ***lower prices...sounds like when this hits the street.... FLOW THE MONEY! no, no...let's try that again: *FOLLOW THE MONEY.

And where the G/O flows like milk & honey is SCHWEET indeed! I have a pretty good hunch that YOU are in an incredibly 'sweet G?O spot'. Hold on now...gotta' add this in - I may right on target - or- a million miles off base.

I just can't make heads or tales of this...but the more 'bits * pieces' I hear, read, learn...I think Mercer Co. & Butler is going to be much, much more profitable than what's being let on. Your call. Follow YOUR bliss. But from the way the bees are buzzing about, there be MORE depths to go deep diving in.

As one light lights another, nor grows less - so nobleness enkindles nobleness. Remember - the 'plan of attack' has been know for has 'thequest', but the pot sounds like it is CHOCK FULL of milk & honey...PLUS!


My little patch it was shared with me that it's wanted for at LEAST X3 depths...what IS going on?...mysterious at best, but maybe much better than we even know...WELL, stranger things have been known to know in whose hands the keys to the kingdom ultimately lie in - pray about it.

Let HIM steer your ship - and your life's course is sure. The money is all 'secondary' - 'cream', icing on the top of the G/O cake....

My dad's east lease from 2010 has a clause that allows them to extend the lease another 5 years at the same terms (bonus and royalty %).
My first lease with great lakes in 2006 had the same clause which the land man struck through and we initialed to void.God bless him!
I think this is common verbage in a lot of leases. I don't know why lance's dad's lease was missing this language.
My current lease with shell also contains this language.

The old leases before the bigger player came in did not have the 5+5. They explicitly were "x" number of years. The early Central Appalacian Petroleum, then early East leases were like this. In 2015, there will be huge acreage starting to come online from expiring carpet bagger leases. By 2016 it will be double.


I really believe (after numerous hours on the tractor) that the date on Shell's calendar in 2017. I think they want their section of Lawrence County HBP by that year. That is when their premium leases will be up for their auto-renewal. I've talked to noone that has said this, but using my eyes with all of the seismic testing I think 2014 it will break wide open. Problem is I think with Shell it will be mostly to hold land. I don't see the need to produce as quick compared to a company like HilCorp, that is private equity. We'll see...

Glenn - who was your man? There is good to have in ALL, indeed.

Marcellus Turns Pennsylvania Into ‘Saudi Arabia’ of Nat Gas | CX En... ...well, well, well...

SAUDI long have I been saying THAT one? Ok, march on...

...CX-Energy - Wexford, PA - Company - About | Facebook ... Halcon Says No Drilling for Half of Mercer County Landowners | Marc... ...

Remember these 'good ole' days?...1970s energy crisis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia -- know THIS 'history DOES repeat itself...'. 


Isn't that interesting? The handshake on this book cover, that is? The Acquisition & Divestiture of Petroleum Property: A Guide to...

and that leads us to 'history'...Flashback: Watergate, Nazis, Nixon, Rockefeller | Jon Rappoport's Blog ... the man in the garage was 'The Mothman'. & 'the worker bees' merely pawns...

PAWNS?...yes, we ALL are 'pawns' of some sort or another. Trained Seals...

*CX-Energy makes land aquisition easier | CX Energy...HMM...Very interesting. Were they 'in bed' together?- CX & HalCON...? CX 'plays' both sides of the fence??? Show me the MONEY! Huh? What? NO money?...CX-Energy Current Oil and Gas Leasing Landowner Groups | CX Energy...

....Wait-a-minute, wait-a-minute, WAIT-a minute...they're playin' BOTH sides of the fence!!! *Strange bedfellows...nothing new under the sun...

As one light lights another, nor grows less - so nobleness enkindles nobleness. All the world's a stage, and we are merely players.

Tapping the Utica Shale: "It really is all here" ... - Go Marcellus...

Uh, HUH!! think on these things...

*Lance - contact Bob Jenness...sometime (IF YOU so choose)...

How Will We Know a FAIR Oil and Gas Lease When We See It/Them? - Go... ...


Fracking Teddick Site - 4-25-13 - YouTube ...this documentary prepared by Vera Scroggins, 607-237-9685,          ***Multi-generational Dairy Farm...area                    

***She gives TOURS. So you can SEE for yourself what takes place diring Frack/Drilling Process...*VERY IMFORMATIVE.

*LANCE - I have been looking for this to get to YOU for awhile now - FINALLY ran across it!

Do you have a lease being held by a shallow well - Go Marcellus &am...

...go to 'Reply by Robert W. Sandera on January 22, 2013 @ 11:36pm...EXCELLENT!

He is a lawyer & gives a *list of addendums* you may want to look over for any future lease prospects.

As one light lights another, nor grows less - so nobleness enkindles nobleness. ENDEAVOR! *EUREKA!!!

GG, thanks. When you use complete sentences, you actually sound pretty coherent. LOL


How's that? Just messin' with you, Lance. ***DO read through the '3.8% of Oil and Gas Royalties...' - if you so choose.

3.8 % of Oil and Gas Royalties for Obamacare - Go Marcellus & U...

As one light lights another, nor grows less - so nobleness enkindles nobleness.

Metallica-Master of Puppets-[Full Album] - YouTube  Blessings. Monkeys on a String...

promise, Frank. just tired. A picasso...the very thought. Let us think about that for a moment. He could paint like Leonardo, you know. Fabulous Realist, just mastered all of this young. To paint again as a child - pure, unfettered...full of joy & innocence.

apologies for the LOL's...Lance.


I woke up with a wonderfully clear head this morning - HOW can we turn this 'gas' endeavor/blessing into a 'WIN-WIN' for ALL involved? THAT in no way, shape, or form is a 'touchy-feely BS' thought/ takes balls to STAND.'

It's YOUR BALL - bounce it!

As one light lights another, nor grows less - so nobleness enkindles nobleness.

------------------------------  USParty - GG 8.20.2005

The ‘US’ Party is the ‘United States’ Party. It is built on the backround of every individual in this vast, rich, unencumbered great land. It is a perpetuated continuation of the great legacy as well as individual right as well as responsibility endowed to every person who strives and chooses to encompass this grand land. The ‘rights’ we are all blessed with, and are responsible to (no matter in what vast or small ways) are OURS to nourish and keep. If they are ‘maintained’ –that is the way they shall be…if they are ‘destitute’ –that is the way they shall be. Everything everyday is ours to ‘create’ in this country. Individual maintenance begins with the heart, your heart. YOU must choose for yourself how you shall ‘tend your garden’: this will ultimately dictate (to the whole ‘end-all’) the ‘core’ that is seen on the outside by ALL involved. The beauty of this great land—and for the world overall--is that YOU CAN CHOOSE. It is a free decision by you, for you. You will be what you shall be when ‘no one is looking’ as well as when ‘everyone is looking’ (because what you are on the ‘inside’ comes out in action and deed on your ‘outside’ –for everyone to see: what people ‘see’ and how you treat them –this is REAL LIFE, and this is what these ‘United States’ are built out of.) This is the CORE of ‘US’. 


You are free to chose your ‘conduct’ in this life. You will do ‘a’ or ‘b’ or ‘c’ or ‘d’. All choices will create a ‘path’ not only for yourself, but also for everyone, everywhere who ‘knows you’, and even those who do not know you. Every day is full of choices. Every action creates an equal and opposite reaction. This is not just a ‘scientific’ theory. Go clear back to Adam & Eve –their decision ‘dictated’ to the world it’s ultimate ‘choice state’, but every day we can ‘right wrongs’ with our individual actions. Your one and multiple varioUS decisions create a WHOLE for society. My action will not be your action, nor do I want it to be…likewise, I do not wish for your action to be mine: BUT, I do not wish that your or my wrong decisions to ‘ripple effect’ into each other, unless they are positive…. Ultimately, RIGHT is right, WRONG is wrong…their ‘ripples’ can be clear and beautiful –or they will ‘muddy the water’. I thirst after clear, clean, good water for all: thus the ‘US’ Party for All. Know that I am not perfect, as I do of you. All I know is how I wish to conduct myself. Like a ‘Human Being’. I am a human being. You are a human being. To have ‘rights’ is to have ‘freedom’, and WITH FREEDOM COMES RESPONSIBILITY. Joined all together in this menagerie are ‘we’—so our ‘responsibility’ is to be ‘free’, and ultimately enjoy this luxury.


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