check out some of these drilling units - lateral spacing is shrinking - new techniques a "game changer"

i'm not sure if there is a connection.......but it seems the lateral spacing is basically being cut in half in some of these recent utica units.

and there is an operator in other shale formations that has been out performing competitors with a new technique that uses a bunch more sand and water but focuses close to the bore (vs longer fractures).

there was a thread a few weeks ago about EOG and their new technique;

“….using this technique, it has outperformed its competition. In some cases, these results are 200% to 300% better. This completion design focuses around the well bore as opposed to creating long fractures, which has been the industry standard. By focusing around the well bore, more surface area can be stimulated, increasing the total area fractured. This frees up more resource, and in turn is the reason for EOG's excellent results….”

“….EOG is using between 1,500 and 2,400 pounds of sand per foot. This compares to just 300 pounds by current Bakken operators. It is important to note that it isn't just the initial production that is affected, but we are seeing the depletion curve flatten…”

maybe some of this is being tried and tested by the utica operators......check out some of these DU's.

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Donna, this will effect everything in a positive way for landowner and gasco........basically, they are figuring out how to get more gas/oil out of the same shale/acerage.

Will each well pad have more legs or latetetals than now? What would an average unit size be if the space between laterals change


Donna - basically, yes there would be more legs from each pad.

as far as unit sizes......there is already a huge variety of drilling unit sizes.....and i am still confused about drilling units vs production units....drilling units are what i have been posting on this thread.......production units apparently can be way bigger and can also be kept secret...?

seems both drilling units and production units can change in size at any time.

It don't think this is a duplicate posting of what is already on here, if it is sorry

Triangle Reports "No Communication" In a Downspacing Test

Triangle is one of the first operators to report results of a high density drilling test in the Middle Bakken. According to the company's press release, its recent downspacing test indicates potential for 6 - 8 Middle Bakken wells per 1,280 acre spacing unit, which is equivalent to 213-160 acre density, "with no communication."

The "no communication" statement by Triangle is quite important. It suggests that there is little or no loss in well productivity and economics due to tighter development spacing. The positive downspacing resolution, if confirmed by further production history and tests by other operators, could essentially double well inventories in the most productive areas in the play, translating to significant economic value.

See link for complete article

no apologies haybale.....this is not a duplicate....another great article on the subject.

"If test results continue to confirm that interference between wellbores is indeed minimal (or can be eliminated via appropriate completion configuration), the story changes dramatically. In fact, vast areas in the Bakken may end up infill-drilled over time - on their respective spacing patterns - and massive incremental amounts of oil would become recoverable."

"Well densities seen on the two charts are truly staggering and would be unimaginable just several years ago."

i think i got one of the charts attached........i love words like "dramatically", "massive amounts", "unimaginable" and "truly staggering"


here are some antero.......most seem to be 950' spacing but the wayne is at 525'.


Booger:  Thanks for the information about the Wayne.   The "Vorhies" and the "Gary" wells are spaced at 850' and they are the most recent units available for Antero I think.   The "Coal" is at 900'.  Did the 525' not work out at the Wayne and they dropped back to 850' for a trial?  Interesting that they are doing something similar to Gulfport.


...also interesting that they have better than avg least in the one well that showed production last year in Noble......

Agree with you there.   The IP's reported for the Miley and Rubel were terrific.   The new maps show them to be planning longer laterals (9368', 8274',8629') also.   They must be confident about the drilling team.

a recent Hess in harrison....spacing at 825'....cadiz twp....5 legs at 8,000'.....900 acres.


This has been a very informative thread. Just wanted to thank you guys for your efforts.

RE Gas DU in Guernsey ....millwod twp.....only one leg shown in each plot, but you can tell it is 750' spacing.......5 wells in 500 acres. RE Gas Development LLC the same as REX energy?......some of the docs had REX energy logo on them.



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