Anyone hear from Buckeye Mineral?  I, as well as many others signed until the end of June. I realized it was a long shot for them to come up with a lease, but I expected  an effort by them to extend the contract past June. Any one hear anything?

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Meeting July 9th 7pm Pymatuning Valley High School in Andover. I don't think there is any breaking news but will hear what Bob has to say. 

I guess i would like to have heard something from them as we gave a commitment to them. possibly a letter that things are slow or nothings gonna happen. 


December 31st extension?  There's no way that landowners are that dumb, is there?

Could you expand on why they would be dumb?

We're hearing that Buckeye is having another meeting July 9, 2013 at Pymatuning Valley High School in Andover.  Of course that seems to us to imply that they have no deal to present to the membership which signed on as we have it under the pretext that they would have a deal to vote on by June 30, 2013.

Wondering what the membership's mood is ?

Wondering especially about how Eastern Ashtabula Landowners Association (EALA)  is taking the apparently negative news.

Why doesn't EALA come up with something themselves ?

How about a group of local Drillers who perhaps are already members of EALA coming up with a landowner cognizant leasehold agreement, a member Attorney or Law Office looking after the membership's interests, and then developing some drilling units ?

If something like that were to develop we might join EALA as well.

Probably a lot of hurdles to negotiate.

Probably we'd hear again all about the same industry shortcomings (hopefully only from the industry); you know: 

1) Lack of infrastructure (no pipe for Oil / NG / NGLs) 

2) Held By Production / Landowners already leased

3) Non-Contiguous lands

4) Low Geo Pressure

5) Not enough seismic data

6) Not enough test bores

7) Not enough wells in production

Those are things that to me represent excuses more than reasons.  If those issues need to be addressed then a Landowner Group ought to move and address them for their membership.  The group ought to come up with ideas / resolutions for the membership to vote on - choose a course of action - and then roll with it.

We're not finding much sense in tying up our land for an extended waiting period and then not seeing any progress resolving the issues holding up the show.  That tact seems to have been tried and also seems to have failed.  Hasn't it ?  Does anyone know any differently ?  Wonder if it's not just wishful thinking here ?

Say who is the spokesperson for EALA these days anyway ?


Why do you write that ' I realized it was a long shot for them to  come up with a lease ' ?

When did you realize that  ' it was a long shot ' ?

Do you think an extension to December 31 will result in a good lease ?

If you do, why do you think so ?


I went to the meeting in Jan at Rock Creek Elementary. It was communicated at the meeting that a lease would not likely be signed by June. Bob basically wanted landowners to get comfortable with his organization and informed everyone at the meeting that it could take a year or two before a deal might be done.

Thanks for the info.

Appreciate it.

    Joseph- Ohio, No one thing in particular, but a lot of small things about the meetings and the sign up process. I attended several meetings before signing. If I were going to represent a group of people, I would want to know what they wanted. I would pass out a draft lease and ask for input. I would discuss what they thought a fair bonus and royalty was. When Bob asked for June 30 deadline, his next words were, we may need more time.  The sign up procedure seemed a little off, everyone just took a form and found a place to fill it out. I would have handed them out in the auditorium along with the marketing agreement, and discussed and filled them out with the people. I was a little surprised no identification of any kind was required to sign up. The signup seemed more to make people happy, rather than acquire land. I just figured if he were really negotiating or very close to it, the ship would have been more tightly run. I only signed because I was not locked into anything, and I knew it would take me that long to do my title work, that and he passed along a lot of good information and deserved a shot.

  I don't think there is any more of a chance Bob will come up with anything by December than there was for him to do so by June. That doesn't mean he won't, I just don't think the chances are a lot better. It seems interest in acquiring more acreage has turned into let's see what I have. If a new player came to the area, we may be in a good position. I don't believe I will sing for an extension, mostly because I have no idea what he has done in the last 6 months. I would need more information on what was done to lease my land.



We think you've been doing your homework and a very thoughtful

Good luck to you and yours James.

Post often and keep us informed of progress.

J-O , when you say, "If something like that were to develop we might join EALA as well", you are describing exactly what EALA is doing via Buckeye Mineral. Their acreage is being marketed by the Township. Nothing is gained by you casting stones. The best thing that you could do for yourself, not to mention your neighbors, would be to get on board. Next to our geology, our solidarity is our strongest asset.


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