Hi - I just thought I would post that the DEP has posted the results on their website for the 1st half of 2013.

I would be curious about what folks think about the results for Tioga County.


Welcome to the PA DEP Oil & Gas Reporting Website

Pennsylvania’s Oil and Gas Act requires unconventional well operators to submit production reports to the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) biannually—on Aug. 15 for the period of Jan. 1 through June 30 for the same calendar year and on Feb. 15 for the period of July 1 through Dec. 31 of the previous calendar year. All other oil and gas operators are required to submit production reports on an annual basis on Feb. 15 for the previous calendar year. DEP makes every practical effort to post these reports as soon as possible after they are filed.

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Jack:  Then it was my mistake, for which I apologize.  Since the second paragraph of your comment also seemed to address my comment, I concluded that's what you were replying to. 

Ann Ticopa,

Which get us to the proposed ethane cracker.  SWEPI hasn't done as much drilling as one might expect in Lawrence and other SW PA counties.

Down here in Washington County Ethane is starting to boom.

MarkWest (MWE) in Houston Pa just started phase I de-ethanizer. I believe that's for Mariner West. Phase II is scheduled for 2nd half 2015 that should be Mariner East. Along with production from Majorsville WV.

Williams LP (WPZ) has started the 2-10" liquid ethane lines from Fort Beeler WV.  ATEX 1st half 2014?

What's interesting is Range Resources acquired allot of leases in Washington County from East Resources just before Shell bought out East. Also exchanged Ohio leases with CHK for leases in Wash.Co.

You just might get the idea that Range who "discovered" the Marcellus was a bit ahead on the learning curve. Than there are those  Upper Devonian Shales.

My money is on WPZ and perhaps MWE to announce "Cracker" before Shell. That accident in Louisiana may have put a bit of a crimp in WPZ finances short term.

Shell may end up having to buy more ethane from RRC than planned.

Hear anything about when Bluegrass might be holding an open season?  That pipeline is projected to go into Lawrence and Mercer counties.

That Bluegrass seems to be encountering resistance in Ky.

So here's MWE answer.


I just wonder when all that ethane will supply Gulf with full capacity. Then we might get that cracker.

Lots happening in southern NY: Cuomo,Bloomberg,Spitzer, and Wiener. It's hopeless. DOA with the Gov for gas development 5 yrs and counting.

Not sure what you're referring to with the pipelines.  But, my nearest SWEPI pipeline has the gas gathering line, two water pipelines, and an optical fiber cable. 

That would make sense but the water for this site was trucked in but maybe that has to do with a future need for water or that is just their habit now for possible future production. I saw a picture earlier this year of work being done around Charleston Road going North and it had what looked like 4 lines leading from one drilling site. Josie asked about this above - this line was on its own going from a single site but it is quite possible that another, future, unit would hook up to it. I am unsure.  

 Shell has its focus from RT249 north and west out to Westfield there trying to get those people signed,I would think there research people found something profitable and how to drill it.They fine tune an area to drill the best formation in that area,the Marcellus was not real good in that area so they found the Utica and Trenton black river was better.You might see a different formation drilled in each area.Maybe if you sign now you get a free dinner at the Antlers or Coach stop Inn.

 Does anyone know what green pipe or black pipe is designated for?

 Jack you could add Vitrinite Reflectance and Water Saturation to that list.

Hi Paleface - When you say focus on the area do you mean in leasing or are there more pads or development in the pipeline?   I am curious to know more about the target as well.  Do you know what Shell is looking for?  Agree that Marcellus does not look good there and the results I have seen for Upper Devonian don't seem to be exciting.  

I appreciate any thoughts you have to share.   

What I meant by focused was leasing that area.


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