Very interesting reading, Should keep you off the streets and out of the pool rooms for awhile. Lol.

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I have no clue...... sorry!


Not that impressive. The data looks old.  In the oil business, most of the free stuff is so 2nd hand it's practicly Biblical.
well Chuck, when you're dealing with SWN, even "biblical" stuff is more information than you get from them. Sorry I wasted your time.

endangers critters for the industry?  I happen to think this industry will cause a boom for critters as well as people.  Depends on who you talk to. 


I'm just saying most of the data that's easy to come by is not valuable and that you can find tons of quatliy data if you look for it.



Southwestern Energy
ah right,  with all the symbols and Icons it's hard to be sure. :)

Hey Chuck-- Have you ever heard of Wikipedia?  They give away lots of great info--its all free. It is the 5th most popular site on the net, unless I am mistaken. Also, if you actually had looked at Southwestern's  WikiMarcellus page, you'd know SWN is the company's ticker tape symbol.

I checked the most recent update for SWN in WikiMarcellus, and it was earlier this month. Is that what you meant by "biblical"? If you're not satisfied with the timeliness of WikiMarcellus, you can always bless it with some of your own up-to-the minute info. In fact I'd like to invite ALL Shalers to help keep it up to date. Friend me, and I'll email you back sign on info. Kind regards --Tom, WikiMarcellus Editor

(Note to Merlin-- I already sent sign on info to Cody from your co. Please ask him to add an entry for

I'm saying that by the time stuff for free is updated, in the context of the speed at wich this business moves, it's old data. 


What I'm trying to convey to the masses here is that this business is way faster than any that has ever come to pa.  I also will say that the people who find out first won't just post stuff to some free site, not if they paid 100's or 1000's for subscriptions to get things like rig locations, data reports or upgrades to laws and codes.  Honestly, if you paid 100 a month for a service, would you then turn around and give up that data for free?


Honnestly- see the point I'm trying to make here? 


Also, when a company is spending all kinds of money to get ahead on things or you think they will then turn around and post things for free?  Or lawyers


for that matter..why the heck would someone in the know post things for free if they charge for the knowlage.  Yep I know about wicki.. however the history of a culture or a person is not the same as a multi trilliondollar business.  Just saying. 


You get what you pay for.


Chuck-- I'm not meaning to start an argument with you, and apologize if I was a little defensive about my baby, WikiMarcellus. Nevertheless, I don't think you get a couple of basic principles:

(a) Crowd sourcing - when many people contribute info, an article becomes more accurate than what any one person, no matter how smart, knows.

(b) Information wants to be free - You have to go back to medieval days, when Robber Barons put chains across waterways to prevent passage without paying toll, for it to have made any sense to charge people for access to anything--especially information.

I know it seems like so much of our society works the opposite way. You have to pay, and pay again for everything. The Internet has made this way of doing things obsolete.

The best is yet to come!


no argument :)


My work is free as well.  But this is the oil industry so most everything does cost.

I'm just saying to the masses, by the time you get the data, industry time, it's old news.   here in pa, I told ppl what was come'n  Those who acted on up to the moment info now make tons of money.  those who waited, will be on the back end of the bubble. 


Do you want to get your data after someone decides to give it to you? or DO you want to get info on laws, rules and oil prices as fast as they change?

Best back at you, but when you are talking about trillions of dollars for common folks,  you may not want to wait for someone elts to "contribute" knowlage.

Chuck-- Pardon me, but that is some major FUD you've written there! I am constantly impressed by how much useful data and information is exchanged daily about the industry right here on this forum. Last time I looked, it is completely free too.

I do agree with you on one thing. You said, "You get what you pay for". I would modify that statement slightly to say, "You get out of something what you put into it." The more we all contribute our knowledge and thoughts to GoMarcellusShale and WikiMar, the more benefit we're going to receive.

So please don't hold back. Share your knowledge freely. There's a real need for it.


sorry for the in and out, but these posts won't get my full attion since I'm running a company.  That is part of my point, real experts don't even have the option. Did you know you can be fired in this business just for play'n golf with a guy in the media... (that's all i can say)

the oil story for example was run on my radio program (free to the listener) last spring. 


I'll answer questions but at the same time, I've got tons of stories ppl can just read at  however ppl need to ask the questons before I answer them.  




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