Very interesting reading, Should keep you off the streets and out of the pool rooms for awhile. Lol.

Views: 821

Replies to This Discussion

Chuck-- I knew the blog was online, but isn't the newspaper a lot different? Sorry, have never seen one.  Finally listened to the radio program on KISS 102.9 FM today. Tnx. --Tom
Click current issue. We are not realy a blog. We run stories like on line papers do. Blogs are just loopholes for ppl who don't list actual sourses and duck the ppl who hold actual journalists acountable. Enjoy.
seems to be lots of info.................but why the crazy pale text?  can hardly see it......

Barbara-- Out of curiosity, what web browser are you using? Firefox, MSIE, AOL? I probably need to tune up the WikiMar web site a little if people are having trouble reading the text. One of my family complained about the size of the text font. Is that any problem for you? I'm looking for all ideas for improvement. Tnx. --Tom


i'm using explorer....the text appears to be yellow..............size ok, just the color on the white background seems to vanish
i just tried with firefox.......the text is light green....still not easy to see.  the text for the actual articles, info....that's ok in black. i'm referring to the text in the contents....
Thanks. That's really valuable feedback for me. I'm using Firefox on a Mac, and haven't tested it much on other browsers. I'll get on this! --Tom


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