Why are there no permits filed or wells drilled in South Creek Township

I was looking at the maps on the Bradford County website and noticed that there are no permits filed for South Creek township and no wellsdrilled there.  I'm just curious if anyone knows why?  Is there some ordinance that prevents the permitting or drilling of wells?  Or are the energy companies just not interested?

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Eog holds most of the leases. They have been trying to sell their interest.

Actually, EOG has taken the Bradford County acerage off the market.





Interesting link thanks for sharing that.  However, if you look at the bradford county website there are no permits filed for South Creek Township.  Not even by EOG.  Anybody know why? 

This happened in tioga co. kinda, had a small piece of land with EOG . East was drilling in area we had not heard a word until we were contacted to sign off on a gathering line across this property to a well on a neighbors land . while talking to them found we were in a drill grid map with east seems that we had been sold in a lease swap but no one ever told us. (the dont realy need to)

and at this point it seems like a good thing? this has also happened to others in this area, seems like thing are still in motion and the pace is picking up in this part of our little world. things could be going on in your TWP and that you are unaware of . ..good luck

PS. just be sure to be leased to someone ..... payoff after drilling is the big payoff!

"Payoff after drilling is the big payoff"??   Really?


I'm not seeing it.  My royalty check started out close to $1000/acre/month.  Now, after only a few months, its down closer to $500/acre/month.  Part of the slide relates to a fall in the natural gas price.  Part of it relates to falloff in well production.


Taken together, these things are not exactly making me rich!!


Here is what I believe:


Anybody not yet receiving a royalty check, provided you are young and have time to wait this out, is going to do a LOT better than those of us receiving royalty money now.


I own natural gas.  It is down in the ground.  I don't want to sell now, in this horrid bear market for gas . . . . . . . but I must . . . . . . I am forced to sell now because the gas company is selling my gas now and I have no say in the matter whatsoever.  NONE!!


So I ENVY the landowners in South Creek, based on this thread.  They still have a lot of unsold gas.  They are really lucky.  I have less gas than once I did.  What sold sold at a terrible price and the selling goes on at that miserable price . . or lower.


And I only will get just the one chance to sell my gas.  Once harvested and sold, it does not come back!!!!  Ever.


People in South Creek should be counting their many blessings.

I understand.  Granted, it's more money than we could make somewhere else but regardless, we should have some say as to when we want it to be sold.  I guess the most important thing is going to be to invest that money when it comes so that it makes us even more.

To most folks who live in the township, it's obvious why there are no gas wells in South Creek Township.  The township is sooooo saturated with marcellus natural gas it presents a clear and present danger.  When the time is right, special crews who have many years of experience will be brought in to drill. 

Listen, I know people who are afraid to light up cigarettes on their own property. (Did you know that the percentage of people quitting smoking in South Creek Township is 800% higher than the national average?)  AND burning barrels....... out of the question!  You see, South Creek Township is truly THE MOTHERLOAD.  And when the gas price is right.... it's gonna get crazy!!!! 

I am quite curious about a statement made by a gentleman (Carmine)  in regards to South Creek and it being supersaturated / the motherload etc... how did you come about this information /opinion? I also have property in South Creek and have been wondering why there are no permits or wells here? It appears they are all around us but no interest here. Why? Any information,opinions,and rumors are encouraged. Thanks:) PS...I smoke and own a burning barrel:)

First of all, you need to quit smoking....so you'll be able to enjoy your royalty checks for an extra 10 or 20 years.  Seriously. 

Now I will give you my honest opinion.....for what it's worth.  I've been following this marcellus shale development since 2007 (Not that I'm an expert cause I'm not. I'm just an observer.) I remember when folks were excited about signing up with East Resources for $800.  I know I was excited when I heard about it.  Then as word got out, the East price got up to $1500 -$2500.  At that time East Resources had already had much of our area leased and they were offering $700 or $800 on remaining years of their leases if folks agreed to a 5 year extension for $1500.  

Then landowner groups like Friendsville Group formed and had the patience to wait it out.  They got $5500 @ acre.  (By the way,  there are Friendsville Group acres in South Creek Township.  Were those people just lucky to get that lease money because they were in the group?  Maybe.  But I doubt it.) 

NOW.. I am guessing that much of South Creek Township is tied up with long term leases that the gas companies are in no hurry to develop.  After all, what's the rush.  Those leases are going nowhere. These companies develop (drill) first in areas where their cheap leases are ready to expire.  They don't want to renegotiate a $50 or  $800 or $2000 @ acre lease so they drill in cheap, ready to expire areas, and HBP. 

I think the South Creek folks' leases are NOT near expiration.  I think that when they get close to the end of the term, they will get drilled UNLESS THEY EXTEND!  So if it happens that they don't get drilled and their leases get close to expiration, they need to NOT EXTEND THE TERM OF THEIR CURRENT LEASES FOR LESS THAN $5500 OR MORE DEPENDING ON WHAT IS HAPPENING AT THE TIME. By extending the term of the lease they are putting off production!!!!!!!!!  

I think they would be wise to form a South Creek landowners group.  It's a proven fact that unless you personally own hundreds of acres, the group is the way to go.  And I do not think that landowner groups necessarily need continuous acres.....they need a LARGE NUMBER OF ACRES.

The gas IS in South Creek.  How could it not be?  Be patient....don't extend.....get drilled.

OR  Be patient....don't extend....form a landowners group. 

South Creek Im sure has great prospects for gas in place, but unless they are liquifying it and trucking it out, you first need some pipelines in place to transport the gas to market...  If possible get a group together out there, many of those leases will expire... there is just too much drilling to do, and not enough rigs.... Wait it out get paid with a good lease, only lease one Horizon at a time, and call out Gas specifically in the lease, Oil is another separate land rush....

They'll drill in South Creek Township when the time is right for them, maybe tying into the Millenium Pipeline by Elmira.  It ain't that far....to deliver the MOTHERLOAD. 

AND.....it looks like seismic testing is about to proceed just north of the village if Gillett. 

That's what I figure all those orange extension wires crossing the roads and fields are for. Gotta NOT extend a lousy lease.  Get a group of as many acres as you can (like Friendsville) and wait it out.   


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