Not in your wildest dreams would McCain/Palin have pulled this garbage.

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Schnoosie's rants have been because of lots of real reasons.

She/he is scared for one thing, a business owner being threatened by the 'system' for all of the long hard work put into building a business while treading backward against increasing costs. It's a tough walk for anyone in business.

It's called compassion for someone in what I would term a crisis mode.

I would feel the same way if I were in that situation, wouldn't you?

We are Americans who believe in the American dream and strive to achieve our dreams and goals in our lives.

Denver has been tolerant in his responses and that is the right thing to do.

We all need to take example from him.

Rest my case.

Thank you JK.

I do care deeply, I was concerned, now I am terrified. One thing we won't do is just roll over and take it. Be lulled to sleep with fancy words and theory while the government slides in quietly and helps themselves to what we all work very hard for in under the guise of not being compassinate...enough.

First the 2% now the 3.8%, it wont hurt, you will never notice, just a little bit more. Is a theme you are asking us to accept and we will not do it. Myself, our employees, this nation. 

Make a payroll sometime, look at the faces of those who depend on you just once. We are busy here after 8 years of watching every last penny and people like Denver say it's not enough. I say Smug, and I meant it.

I would like to remind you all that Denver never answered my question.

So here it is again, and no fancy well edited paragraph that goes in circles this time.

How much??, give me an acceptable percentage, that you will give up out of your Pension that you busted your behind in the classroom, teaching our children. Today! to go to Obamacare. Where you have no choice.

Say it.  

Schoozie, I was almost done typing an answer that was very long, and I am sure rambling, when my computer went off line for a moment and it was lost. Maybe it was God telling me to shut up and get to the point. So I will.
You ask a good question, "What % of my pension am I willing to pay for Obamacare?" I wish I knew the correct number. I do not want us to become France. They just set up a 90% tax on the wealthy. The European tax & work model just does not work. You make a good point, 2.9% up to 3.8% is a small amt., but will they ask for another .9% tomorrow? That is why we need to look at the cost of Obamacare vs what we have now. As I said in a previous posting I taught in the poorest school in the area. I had students come to school telling me about ER visits for such minor things as growing pains in their knee. Those visits each cost taxpayers thousands. If we could have a health care program that gave them good health care and had a vigilant watch-dog I would be happy.
The answer, government: I will give you the extra .9% of my pension today, but I will join Schnoozie in demanding proof that you are serving the needy and saving me money before you ask for more. I hope this answered your question. Denver

you should hang on to your money denver, cause you'll never get proof. thats like the dems promising they'll cut spending later if you pass the tax today. they remind me of ''HAL'' the computer in the movie '2001, a spave odyssey'..  ''go ahead outside and i'll open the door when you want back in''.   hahahaha

.9 are serious. Not even a full percent.

What if the proof is unsatisfactory to you, and is against your core beliefs, do you have the option Not to pay?? can you change your mind?

The reality of the Obamacare way is this...You will get no proof and no choice, we want more. .9 then 1.9 then 2.0 then 3.8.... 5.0...6.5...

If I understand the increase correctly we are now paying 2.9%. That amt. is being increased to 3.8% thus I came up w/ .9%. You asked and that is how I came up w/what you appear to think is a ridiculous answer.
As you, I do not agree w/ everything for which my taxes are used. When I strongly disagree I vote, write letters, etc. As all of us I do not have the option to refuse to pay. I remember many years ago shaking my fist in the air saying,"If gas goes up to $0.50 a gallon I will quit driving!" Today, if I see if below $3.00 I rush in w/ a smile.
My question to you,"What do we do with/for those who are unable to get/afford health care?" Ex.Preexisting illness, poverty. Here is another true scenario: Now that I am retired I pay $279 per month for health insurance per month. Since my wife was also a teacher she too pays $279 per month. If she had stayed @ home during our marriage her insurance would have been over $900 per month (confirm by checking STRSOhio)I know there are many out there who pay MUCH more, probably you right now. My question is, what do we do? To insure the uninsurable, poor and prevent you and I from going broke paying our premiums and the ER visits of others. -Denver

Well then here's my answer.

You and your wife pay a combined $558.00 per month in insurace premiums for a total of $6,696.00.

Happy new year...I am going to add 2.0% to $6,829.92

Hold on forgot, x 3.8%, your new number is $7,089.45

I have determined that you and your wife are rich, and you can afford it. My call not yours.

See now, I am going to take this extra money out of your pocket, (thanks by the way) and throw it out the window, the guidebook for my decision is a 2500 page document called Obamacare that has very little to do with, preexisting conditions helping those in need of better care and poverty.



First, thanks for not calling me a name. That is a beginning. One correction: Obamacare does address pre-existing coverage. Beginning in 2014 it charges employers an extra $63 per employee (and the amt declines each year for four years) to give to insurance companies to cover unexpected costs to cover those previously uninsured people w/ pre-existing conditions.
Second, you still did not give an explanation how you would cover those I listed. I do not want to pay any higher taxes then you do, so if I hear another way that works I will support it. Thanks
Are you lecturing Schnoozie's tone my friend? I thought you started the name calling ChuckM , hope your not another liberal hypocrit! By the way ChuckM good job in getting all the uniformed voters to vote for your guy.

"Schnoozie your a complete jackass and should be band from this site."

That's some quality English right there.  You've swayed me to your side using proper words, grammar and a superior intellect.

Marcus, you have always been helpful here, are certainly experienced, and always add good insight to any discussion.


Banned...that's funny. Maybe I should just go sit in the corner and shut up.

I like it.  Let's ban everyone who disagrees with us.  That's the Soviet way.  This is the USSR circa 1983, right?  Wait, what happened to the Berlin Wall?  Dammit!


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