A New Website for Marcellus and Utica Mineral Owners (From the Publisher)



2016 is a milestone year for our Shale community!

Today, our team is making ShaleCast available to GoMarcellusShale members. This ground-breaking, new website provides free estimates of future royalties, production, and much more.  I've heard from many of you over the last several years requesting a tool such as this, and we're thrilled to release it to the community now.  I look forward to hearing what you think of ShaleCast!
As you might imagine, the path to providing that solution has not been simple or quick. Each day we collect massive amounts of data from many state agencies and the futures market in order to make analytically-sound, and always-up-to-date forecasts. I hope our efforts make a difference for you and fellow royalty owners.
In a couple days, I will follow up with a quick survey for you to rate your experience.  If you have any questions about ShaleCast, feel free to drop me an email at keith@shalecast.com. Thank you for assisting in our efforts to remove the mystery from royalty forecasting!
Your Publisher at GoMarcellusShale.com,

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I think this is a great idea!  Many of us land owners are in the dark. It should shed much light and help us to make better decisions.

Bill Ladd

Thanks Bill, we look forward to getting your feedback.

How does the program determine volume? For example, the Horizon (Pa)well I researched seems to have more than one drilling unit although all wells are on one pad. Are all units and wells reporting to the state under the horizon name identification and, if so, how can I parcel out wells in unit I'm getting paid for? Ray Calhoun (814-590-8253)

ShaleCast takes the Marcellus production information made available by the state of Pennsylvania.

If you want to email me your well names to keith@shalecast.com or list them here, I'll look into them.

How does this work when I receive royalty from 4 different companies?  Each payment decimal is different and each pays a different price. 

You add your specific well and the details for each well. Here is a video to explain the simple sign up process.


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