How far out from lateral pipe drains into a well after fracking? Also how far out from lateral pipe counts to be in a well?

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How far out from lateral pipe drains into a well after fracking?

Depends on the size of the frack.  With typical lateral spacings between 1000 and 500 feet, the operators must assume that the frack can go anywhere from 250 to 500 feet to the side of the lateral.  In the Marcellus at least, the frack cannot go up (blocked by Tully limestone or down (blocked by Onondaga limestone).


Also how far out from lateral pipe counts to be in a well?

In Pennsylvania --- Zero feet.  A horizontal can run right along the border of property X (but not quite underneath property X) and property X does not have to be in the unit that contains the horizontal – at least in PA.



500 feet to the edge of the unit in Ohio, but most operators give it a little 550 ft.

How far does the frack go?   The million dollar question.  At least two companies (Gulfport and Antero) are trying to answer this with two adjacent test wells that diverge.   Both drilled from the same pad.

how about wv?

WV is the same as PA - no set back regulations  

How far does the frack go?   The million dollar question

You got that right!!

As Phil notes above, in Pa. it don't go nowhere! (my interpretation of Phil's factual statement. lol)

OH at least gives a bit of room. No knowledge on WV law.

IMHO this is going to be a "pinch point" down the road.  

It impacts issues like "frack trespass", "forced pooling" and likely a few I have not discovered yet.

Looking at this strictly from an unsigned landowner point of view - the laws and regs are way behind the horiz technology. 

So far from what I have seen looking at a lot of well plats , the operators are keeping their distance from unleased parcels. Will that distance hold? 

Nah, I doubt it. After the first well or two to HBP , they are gonna go for it. PR be darned!

PA needs to really look at the regs and update to the current teck. Do I think that will happen?

Nah. Tooooo much money on the other side.


Thanks for the info.

correct me if i am wrong ,but what i hear is all we have to go on is what the driller writes on the permit app about the laterals. please tell me there is a check system besides the drillers word. i wonder if wv reps are aware that laterals can legally be on the property line?


WV reps are aware of the property line bore path procedures the gas companies use, the  RULE OF CAPTURE  allows them to be very creative.With the rule of  capture they can drain oil and gas from adjacent properties without the owners receiving a penny.

appreciate the reply.i fiind this very discouraging.


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