Check this one out . This is one of the people that dumped on a Monroe county Farm .

WOW !!!!!

Guilty plea in Clean Water Act case

February 14, 2013
From staff reports , The Marietta Times

A New Matamoras man has pleaded guilty to a violation of the Clean Water Act by allowing oil and gas well wastewater to flow into a tributary of the Little Muskingum River three years ago.

Robert D. Armstrong, 54, also entered a guilty plea on behalf of his company, RCA Oil and Gas LLC, which was charged with the same offense, according to a news release from U.S. Attorney Carter M. Stewart with the Southern District Court of Ohio.

Armstrong entered the guilty pleas Tuesday before U.S. District Court Judge Michael Watson, who had not set a sentencing date as of Wednesday afternoon.

But, according to court documents from Tuesday's hearing, joint sentencing recommendations agreed to by both parties in the case include 48 hours of imprisonment, followed by eight months of home confinement, with work release time, for Armstrong.

Also recommended is 12 months of supervised release during which Armstrong would complete 288 hours of community service.

He would also agree to arrange for publication of a quarter-page ad in an oil and gas industry magazine, listing the requirements for proper disposal of brine waste and the consequences for failing to do so.

The amount of any fine would be determined by the court.

The maximum sentence that Armstrong could face is three years imprisonment, a $250,000 fine, and a year of supervised release.

Armstrong initially pleaded not guilty to the offense when first indicted on Nov. 29, 2012.

The pollution violation took place in June 2010 at an RCA well off Monroe County 19, about five miles north of New Matamoras in Benton Township.

Armstrong had built a reservoir with an earthen wall to hold water he intended to use in the fracking process of a nearby well.

The reservoir contained approximately 2.2 million gallons of fresh water. But Armstrong had added thousands of gallons of brine or wastewater from the fracking process at two other oil and gas wells to the reservoir.

As a result of the addition, all of the liquid in the reservoir was classified as oil field wastewater.

On June 19, 2010, Armstrong used a backhoe to breach a wall of the reservoir, releasing the wastewater into Rockcamp Run. The reservoir contained about 800,000 gallons of wastewater at the time, most of which entered Rockcamp Run.

Analysis of wastewater from the reservoir showed significant concentrations of barium and sodium.

Ingesting drinking water containing higher levels of barium than the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency drinking water guidelines of 20 milligrams per liter can cause gastrointestinal disturbances and muscle weakness with short-term exposure and kidney damage over a longer period of time.

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Reply by time will tell

"W-Jim , there is plenty of evidence to prove my statements ."

if you wouldnt mind then, please produce some of it. i've yet to hear anything other than name calling from you.

it would be refreshing...really.


Reply by time will tell

"How much anti corrosion fluid does it take to contaminate a

million gallons of fresh water ? Answer 7 tea spoons ."

ok, though that statement is a bit vague, if we accept that 7 teaspoons of this "anti corrosion fluid" does something bad, tell me how much of that type of fluid was in the 800,000 gallons of water in question?


W-Jim I'm not going to play your protect your

buddies game .You have shown your colors .

There is so much more to this story that will

becoming out very soon .

You don't know what you don't know but you

will find out soon .


I apologize to anyone who felt offended by some of my comments that may have been hastily typed in a bit of anger.  

I have had to do this before, and realize my mistakes when I make them.  (even when it takes reflection of a day or so)

However, I am adamant in my defense of my technical knowledge, field experience and training.  I am also adamant in my position on polluting our planet for profit.  We in the area know for sure what happens here, whether or not the paper prints it correctly or with enough facts to prove to disbelievers what actually happened.  We know the character of the individuals in question and would truly appreciate it if others, not from here, would take our word for what we say in perfectly sane and calm posts as the truth, rather than post back what sounds like disbelief.  Many of my posts were not offensive to anyone, but were not taken to be true.  As if some other power, or person feels like they need to hear more evidence, as if they are to be the true and final judge of all things.

Take care wj, sally, and all from PA.  As always, respectfully yours,  John OBrien.

All the best to you as well O.

Reply by John OBrien

" As if some other power, or person feels like they need to hear more evidence, as if they are to be the true and final judge of all things."

see john, this is where you have it wrong. i am not judging, i am questioning.

none of us here will be the final judge, this is a discussion forum, not a court of law.

and if as you suggest there, that any discussion contrary to yours and your neighbors' point of view should be suppressed, then you no longer have a discussion forum, you simply have an agenda driven platform, a soap box from which to preach your point of view to others. when that happens you will quickly lose readership and participation. in the end, you will only be talking to yourself.

" I am also adamant in my position on polluting our planet for profit."

while this may be true, i would then have to ask you why you choose to ignore other sources of pollution, perhaps more significant, in favor of focusing on the energy industry.

" We in the area know for sure what happens here, whether or not the paper prints it correctly or with enough facts to prove to disbelievers what actually happened."

and if this is true, then you have missed a golden opportunity in this thread to put the matter to rest by presenting the material facts from a firsthand perspective. so far, you have only given us your opinion of this man and your impressions of the severity of his actions as they were presented in that news story.

you wont find many who would disagree with your premise that pollution is bad and polluters should be punished, but all too often what we read in the news turns out to be a distortion or selective printing of facts.

one other thing i'd like you to think about too. in your state there is a growing movement against frac'ing and oil and natural gas development. many of your statements align with their agenda, and may even be used by them to support it. you may be unwittingly helping your opponents to delay or eliminate the development of your mineral resources.

i've seen quotes from other discussion forums on the webpages for these "fractivists". well meaning statements reprinted there which fit very neatly into their agenda.



 Reply by edmund kresty

"Its called Oil Field Trash folks"

yup, there ya go.

i've heard people who are against drilling in areas near me use that same term when referring to rig workers and pipeliners.

and that's a real shame, because most of the guys working to get our gas to market are good hard working folks. their families, their wives and kids are even called names.

i think it's a shame when good folks coming to our areas to work are left with such a bad impression of our neighborliness and hospitality.



I read the questions of fact you asked for.  If you look back through my posts, I think you will find my answers as well as answers from others.  They may be, in your opinion, only our opinions, not fact.  I respect your opinion, and I wish you would respect mine.  That is all I ask for, reciprocal respect.  So, lets just say we have differences of opinion and leave it at that.

I was, in the above post making an attempt to apologize for offending anyone including you wj.  I am not sure that you are able to reciprocate.  If you cannot, I feel sorry for you for not being able to let it go.  I could recommend a book for you which has helped me greatly, "Beyond Anger, a guide for men" by Thomas J. Harbin, Ph.D.  It taught me how not to always have the last word.  (I do expect you will respond to this post, prove me wrong for you own sake)

Again, take care.  Respectfully yours, John

john, i'm glad that you feel that the book about anger has helped you, but for myself, this is just fun. i can honestly say that i've never been mad at a landman or a landowner throughout all of this natural gas business. and i certainly have no reason whatsoever to be mad at you.

you stated your opinions and i stated mine. we had a discussion. i see nothing for you to apologize for, though i notice you seem to apologize now and then in other threads too for losing your temper.

i think i have shown you respect in this thread john, i never called you a bad name, and i never said that you were incapable of intelligently forming these opinions you have.

and there's nothing wrong with "agreeing to disagree", that is at times the essence of discussion.

and so i'd ask, if it is an apology you seek, what is it that you would like me to apologize for?

in order for an apology to be sincere and meaningful, one must first know for what it is that he is making contrition.



i'd like to add...

i'm old, this internet stuff came late in my life. one thing that i realized quickly, is that the anonymity that the internet affords makes taking this stuff personally, silly.

after we have said all that we have to say, when we're done...all that remains is words on a computer screen. you don't know me, and i don't know you.

i've met a good many folks in person from the internet. all of them nice folks. some are now friends, the others, those whom i have not met, are still...just words on a screen. they could have been typed by anyone.

and so i take none of this personally. perhaps you could do the same. you or anyone else can feel free to call me any names you want, you can say that i have no idea what i am talking about, it's all fine with me. it really doesn't me.

perhaps this concept could help you in dealing with your anger issues...i dunno.



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