Royalties have been paid out. Any info on what the uniy size is? Actual royalties paid? Production amount? Royalty checks recieved and how many acres.

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I got a check from Gulfport averaged out to about 60 dollars and acre for the month.

I am coming up with about $225 an acre. Does that seem right???

I am getting around $486 an acre just for the one well per month. I figured if someone owned 50 acres in a 1200 acre unit with a 16% royalty rate. You would get around $24,000 a month on the first well that was reported to ODNR this year. These numbers I got was for OIL only and not counting any gas or condensate numbers.

It is hard to figure royalty without knowing the exact numbers for all of the wells. Needless to say it would be alot of money when all 6 wells are drilled and producing. Your numbers would vary depending on how many acres you had in the unit as well as your royalty percentage in your lease.

Are you in Harrison County? Is $486 for gas and oil???

I just figured the oil only numbers for the month that was reported to ODNR. No I am in Tusc County. The first well made $3.64 million in that month from oil alone at say $98 a barrel.

Robert, without getting into specifics, How many producing wells are in your unit?, How long have well or wells been producing, thanyou

Travis,only one well has been producing since April.There is a total of 4 with 2 additional planned for the future.My first check was last month and was for 5 months.The amount   averaged out to approx 80 dollars an acre per month.This second check is less per acre for that one well.

Glad to finally see some people posting numbers, trying to find this information is like pulling teeth, so thank you all!

Thank you Robert for the info much appreciated!!


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