Good Day To All:

                            I am new to this sight and would like to know some information !  I own 25 acres on Route # 428 in Sugarcreek  , Venango county , I am 2.4 miles from the Carter farm ( first  Marcellus well )  . Last week I was contacted by phone and talked to Mr Mike Parson from  The Caffey Group , he was interested in a lease on the property said I had no leases on the property at this time !  Fast forward to today and just got a call from Mr Mike Parson and wants to meet me tomorrow at my home ( he is in Franklin ) !!!!!  Has any one else had dealings with the Caffey Group or have been contacted ?  I thank You for your time .  Thanks Dave.............

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Ram Energy???

I swear they have the most clever Company Names.


Didn't Halcon buy out Ram Energy recently? I heard that Halcon was leasing.

Halcon absorbed Ram with a 3 for 1 reverse stock split

the former ceo of petrohawk had to park a few billion somewhere


where are you and was that your offer?

Would love to answer more but not enough information.

Thanks for sharing Mark!

As I'm sure you can see, not good enough and we are not even into terms yet. I'm in Deer Creek twp. and feel like an auctioneer. I've got $2250 to my west and $2500 to my east, do I hear $2700 or $3000...........................  HEY NEIGHBORS, things are just begining to heat up here -HOLD ON! From the maps I have seen, we are in the middle of the Utica "wet gas" window - right where the big boys want to be.

In the last month I have been in contact with many local landowners and a large percentage had no idea what was going on. Please, please, please talk to your neighbors. Just 3 months ago I talked to a fairly local signing for $50/ acre. Happy but uninformed. I would not want to see this happen to any of my neighbors.

Not only the money but the terms are very important. Just ask our Ohio neighbors that have been very willing to share their experiences while they go through this at 100 mph.

By the way, thanks to all for sharing info.

Focus on the numbers only, and it will not be the "bluebird of happiness" flying over your cake!  Glitz may be on the top page, but what comes afterward could sour the whole leasing experience.  Mentioned earlier in this thread ... things like resources held to the center of the earth, and 12.5% royalty (the state minimum that will possibly be raised soon), a company's free water usage excepting the house well water, countless unlimited surface storage areas for equipment, processing, ... .  It can go on forever.  The free gas mentioned earlier from  Marcellus/Utica wells is ridiculous!  The pressure rate it comes out of the ground is industry-friendly only.

Leasing BEFORE one is educated and SAFELY in a well-guided Group setting able to ramp up marketability and negotiating strength, is like giving the keys to a race car to a 3 yr. old. How many ways can one spell disaster? Thinking true bargaining can exist with only 3-4 companies in the area is misguided thinking.  Those companies are not that competitive amongst each other in a rural setting.  We're just supposed to think they are. Why would they want to raise their own costs? Behind closed doors they actually play nice with each other. Their true limits and game plan are unknown to the public, and certainly to an individual. From all manner of professional journals and online sites the words that describe 2012 are Mergers, Acquistions, and Joint Ventures in the Marcellus/Utica plays.  Companies (some we've never heard of) are eager to get their toe in the door. 

Hilcorp out of TX sold its TX holdings to get here.  Chesapeake is doing the same ... selling TX, OK and Mexico holdings to maintain and grow its presence here. It's also creating a false shortage of dry gas to drive up the price.  This is just the beginning.  Watch the news. Read and set up Google alerts on this subject.  Instead of focusing on numbers and deals already gone down, focus on what's ahead for you. 

I looked out the window and the Purple Squirell was eating the Bluebird of Happiness!!

What have I done???This so flowery and filled with conjecture it makes my mind race!!

I should have realized that all gas copmanies are the same, they will never change. They are really all working together and we are just helpless. I was so wrong.

I was so wrong. What have I done to my family by doing the research my self and making an informed decision. Goodness what will happen, Ive left so much on the table. I am stunned and ashamed, my family will resent me, my neighbors will shun me, parent-peers at the HS will turn away at the fact that I did not join a well- guided Altruistic group. Who by the way never stop calling my home as do all the others.

I am suffering from OnG Fatigue. please someone cite a link that can help me with this.



I found this while poking around online. I realize it is years old information about the Barnett shale, but perhaps interesting and hopefully helpful nonetheless.

JUNE 10, 2008


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