Chesapeake, Total and Enervest joint venture. Where is the land located?

I live in western Washington county, Ohio. There are many oil storage tanks in this area that have Enervest printed on them. Does anyone know where the leases in the joint venture are physically located? If they are trading 25% shares in one acre for $ 15,000, It would be valuable to know if we are sitting in the middle of this goldmine.

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How old are the storage tanks?

How long have they been there?


The 10 counties listed that the deal was made on includes Washington county. There was an article in the Harrison News Herald on 1/9/2012 that list the counties. Enervest has purchased in the past, 2 well that are on my property in cental Washington county, Adams twp.

If you look at the maps showing the different phases of the play, western Washington county is in the Oil phase. The center is in the Wet Gas phase, and the Eastern part is in the Dry Gas phase.

I am not sure of the offers in the Oil phase, but they should be very good as well.


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