At the beginning of the gas and oil boom Chesapeake acted like the premier company among the whole group. What happened? Now all I hear is how bad they are. I'm glad I'm not leased with them.

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Well they are the premier company, but remember that such a designation is on the shareholder's side and not the landowner's side.

Guessing that it's probably fair to say (at the very least) that statement would hold true for the whole of the O & G E & P outfits these days.

Actually, I think it's always been 'fair to say' about them or most any company in business for that matter.

However, beyond that, it ALWAYS has seemed to me, that specifically / especially, in the instance of the O & G industry, that their general philosophy in these matters, has been to throw the landowners under as many buses as can be found; and to do all that they can do to build more buses to throw them under.

I think all landowners need to be aware.

Good luck to all - I think we need it.

Joseph-Ohio, you are absolutely correct.

How would you like to be leased with Chesapeake at 17.5% Gross and only receive $25 to $125 per acre per month for the year.

That's what the landowners of Buck Well 1H have gotten for the past year in Carroll County Ohio.

Anyone leased to Chesapeake had better check their NGL Royaty payments to see if you have been paid. I bet you have been charged to have them taken.

Take a look at my Chesapeake Theft Spreadsheet and you'll see how NGLs (Product Code 4) have been taken with 176% of their value deducted from our Royalties.  This is FACT. 

Shale Play state officials across the US don't mind doing business with thieves if the company has money to pass around. If I were governor I would enforce the laws of the state regardless of how much money I was offered. I believe a governor takes an oath to protect the citizens of their state.

Wondering whether or not the 'landowners of Buck Well 1H' have taken it to court; and if so, have any decisions been made / have they been offered a 'settlement' ?

I'm leased with both Noble Energy and CNX. At least the terms of my lease have been honored by them. I have no deductions of any kind being taken from my royalty checks.

Well, your reply (above) is the nearest thing to good news that I (as an unleased landowner) have read in long while.

Wow, actually calling it good news to read that a lessee is honoring terms of their lease (which should always happen anyway, and go without having to say).


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