Just how will Emperor Cuomo stifle this permit application?

Tioga County Farm Bureau president and member of the Snyder Farm Group Kevin Frisbie announces Wednesday, July 8, the five-farm family group's intentions to install a natural gas well underneath a hayfield in the Town of Barton. A press conference was held outside the town hall.(Photo: photos by KELLY GAMPEL / Staff Photo)

A proposal to frack for natural gas using gelled propane and sand was announced Wednesday morning at Barton Town Hall in Tioga County.

Snyder Farm Group spokesman Kevin "Cub" Frisbie said an application was filed yesterday with the state Department of Environmental Conservation.

FIRST WITH THE NEWS: We broke this story. Stop by 2, 3 or 4 times a day to stay fully informed.

More than 60 people attended the press conference, which was held outside the Town of Barton municipal offices.

The Snyder group is a collection of five Tioga County farm families that have leased land for natural gas development. The group is seeking to develop a 53-acre natural gas well in Halsey Valley, N.Y., which is in the Town of Barton, Tioga County — about 25 miles south of Ithaca and 30 miles east of Elmira.

The well pad would occupy about 31/2 acres on Ernest "Bucky" Snyder's 150-acre hay and corn farm.

The group has applied for two drilling permits, Frisbie said.

The well would get drilled into the Utica Shale formation, about 9,500 feet underground, according to Frisbie. "Then we will do a horizontal turn and go into the Marcellus Shale at approximately 4,400 feet," he said.

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yes and the point I was making is that waterless fracking has already came to commented that you hoped it came to Ohio first .........but it already has  December 2014 is only 6 months ago

Knew that Ohio beat them to the initial punch also.

I was referring to a bigger waterless fracturing commitment (beyond one or two wells - more like a standard / systematic methodology for the Oil window in northeasern Ohio (Ashtabula / Geauga / Lake Counties) as well as to the lands west of what's already seen the lion's share of development so far).

Truthfully and of course it can be said selfishly, we're most interested in our geography (Southeastern Ashtabula County).

look at the maps Ashtabula s dead the big boys packed up and left

Only for now hopefully.

Anyway, it doesn't have to be only a 'big boy'.

Any good, honest E & P will do as far as we're concerned !

BTW, looked at your map(s) one of which indicated all of easternmost Ohio to be within what you called a 'Triple Play'.

not all of the triple play is economical  to develop each play has its economical area  and the big boys decided the northern part of the Utica is not economical to develop or they would still be there and not selling off their leaseholds at firesale prices and in some areas you can add a 4th play ...

.the rome trough - Rogersville shale

if the area was so good don't you thinkCHK would have been there and wouldn't Aubrey have been there with his AEP sucking up every acre he could.........please show me a GOOD and HONEST  E/P have not scene one yet

Hopefully that's where waterless fracturing will kick in Mike.

Looking to me like CHK is up to it's ears in alligators from what I'm reading on these pages and their references.

Don't you agree ?

Regarding your comment : ".......please show me a GOOD and HONEST  E/P have not scene one yet" I catch your drift but I'm still looking.

Maybe what's not economical for the 'big boys' IS economical for smaller outfits with the technique / technology to recover the resources (which the 'big boys' don't have) ?

Do you see any merit in any of that Mike ?
Who is selling at Fire Sale prices Mike ? And are the sellers maintaining an interest ?

Who is buying ?

I think it's all business as usual / SOP myself.

Once they own the lease they have something to work with or sell. They can't do that unless they own it.

Wonder how many are abandoning / walking away from their leases - not many I would bet.

I've read where some of the "big boys" have even borrowed against / mortgaged their leaseholds - what does that tell us Mike ?

I think that domestic development is basically on hold these days because 1) They have enough underway to match / exceed demand (for both Natural Gas and Oil)  2) In northeast Ohio specifically, the infrastructure / takeaway capacity isn't in place (yet) but when demand rises (pending all of the drivers that cause demand to rise) I think development will resume (and I'll add that stalling infrastructure development in northeast Ohio isn't making sense to me overall as it seems to me  this lull would be a perfect time to make those investments).

But, the industry decisions only have to make sense to the industry, not me - UNFORTUNATELY.  

When will things change ?  Don't ask me because I don't know - but, it would be great if if they would already have changed !

June shale update

the numbers tell the story about the northern counties in ohio Betweem Ashtabula 0 Geauga 0 trumbull 7mahoning13 for a grand total of 20 wells in production


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