Democrats Include Anti Oil and Gas Plank in 2016 Platform

According to Carol Browner, a former Environmental Protection Agency head and a current member of the Democratic platform drafting committee, the party’s draft 2016 platform “moves decisively beyond an ’all-of-the-above’ energy strategy” and includes an amendment to “phase down fossil fuel production.”

Despite the proven success of natural gas in reducing emissions, it doesn’t appear to be part of the plan, which seems geared toward leaving oil and natural gas out of the energy strategy equation.

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Outside of being a troll, why would anyone come on this site and assume that people who probably have leases if not wells would seriously vote for Killary? Besides what on earth makes her energy policies environmentally friendly?

 I like that, "KILLERY" great way to express your disappointment in one of our presidential candidates

The Democrat Party, under Hillary Clinton, has morphed into America's version of the Borg Collective.  Did anyone else hear them denounce the kind of rugged individualism that built this country from scratch!!  


The Borg

Yes, I hear ya Frank.... and they will try to do it by hook or crook.... they will lie and say anything to mis-lead our people to follow them. I noticed Hilliary's "Aunt B" smile the other day.... doesn't she seem so 'motherly' and protective. Go see the movie "Hillary's America" by Dinesh D' Souza or google him for a peek at it and then tell all your friends to see it. This could be the spark that starts a serious movement against her and what she and Bill stand for 

Would not hurt to dig deeply into all of Trumps  financial activities too!

Lets have a documentary done by a reputable person about Trump and how he got his millions of dollars too.

Mr Ladd, it is a given that Donald Trump is not perfect and politically correct but he is way better than the alternative. So then why hasn't someone done the documentary on him yet? I'm sure they will sometime soon. Remember, he is not a politician he's a successful business man and how he got his billions would be a story worth reading and maybe even 'doing' what he did to achieve that degree of wealth. And his success would not have been possible in any other country but this one. Capitalism works! Socialism does not and that is the direction the Dems are taking us. Big government does not work.  The government should be in the business of protecting us from foreign enemies not imposing their will on us with state run health care and laws that go against our religious beliefs to name a few....     


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