How important is it with you all ?

Myself  !! YES II

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I say it is everything . If I can't trust someone to tell me the truth this will get you in trouble most of the time .

PR is KING !!!

Credibility, Integrity, and Character are very important, at least to me, for any leader.   A land group leader without these traits is not a leader, but a salesman.   This does not suggest that a salesman can't get the job done, it only means that you will need to verify and double check every decision to be sure you are not the one "getting sold".

How is that for a long winded answer to a short question?

Great answer Donna .

Ridgeman, I agree 100%, if you dont trust your leader due to a lack of credibility its time to move on, Too much rides on the leader whether its a fellow landowner an attorney group or a landman, They negotiate with the oil & gas companies & control in essense every thing that goes into the lease & how it is paid & administered, Our landgroup Eastern Monroe landowners hired attorneys to represent us & negotiate our leases,  When we lost confidence in them after they had a disaster of a deal in belmont county & brought us two junk offers on deals we rejected, not to mention we felt they were not being forthcoming with us on information, We terminated their employment & hired another firm! Our land is to valuable to trust to someone that has proven they are not worthy of that trust. If they lie once they will lie again!

Bingo Mr. Tom , so your saying past behavior predicts future actions .

Tell me Tom was it a little exciting to at least have a call that we have a offer for you to look at ?

Ridgeman, you hit the nail on the had, hows that saying go fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me, I hope we all learn quickly.

how many lies has a certain leader been caught telling in last along with twisting the facts?

Hey  Fang , there seems to be some who think it is not a big thing .

Tom and Dave great answers ! 

Dave , even a salesman needs these skills " public relations " if he or she plan on making there job a career .

If you are just in it for the ONE bid deal we might as well just deal with the companies direct .

I have and you need to get a little thicker skin but in the end there might just be a better return .

I have been getting call backs and they are eager . 

My first choice is a strong well educated land group !

Not saying this is the way to go but to talk to a rep. that works for the o-g company ' not a land man' has been very interesting .

I will share this they are turned off by high commission sales reps . That cuts there bottom line .

I like Smith -Goshen   for those with ground in Belmont Co. Very eager to keep us in formed !

As I keep probing I will share what I find out .

I am really trying to find the skinny on Monroe Co . and will gladly share it with all FREE !

Don't get me wrong a good firm like KWGD would be worth it seeing what they could do 

and I hear there in town .

The "keeping us informed" is probably most important to me.  That, combined with a short term commitment (6 months or less) would make me pretty comfortable.

Ed , keeping us informed should be job one .

Nice comment Fang and well said . I do agree that if you commit to run  a group you deserve to be rewarded . 

This post was not intended to them , who really care .


Exactley,  Fair profit in itself is good and anyone representing a group with the groups interest at heart that acomplishes what the group wants, if under contract to do so, should be compensated accordingly whether they are a lawyer, landowner, salesman or plumber.

On the other hand, with the amount of wealth transacted with these deals greed is likely to crawl out from under the rock and landowners need to keep a watchfull eye without being blinded by greed themselves.  


Dan, you mean greed like a group laeder trying convince landowners they need to pay for title searches before they get a lease oiffer that will cost $35 to $50 per acre and the landowner owes the money unless they get a deal & that company agrees to accept & pay for those titles, if the oil company wont accept the landgroups title search the landowner pays, if the landowner goes with another group or signs direct they owe the title fee, Worse yet no lease ever they still owe the title fee?  Sounds like someone getting rich off the landowners whether they get them a lease or not.


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