Does anyone know about any drilling in Londonderry Township, Guernsey County, OH by Aubre? Skull Fork Rd to be exact? Thanks for any info you might share.

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Ascent just set up a rig just n.e. of Moorefield. that rig has been laying on the ground for a few months. Calling it the Conotton well. Nice to see em drilling again. You can see it from Rt. 22 since it sets on a high hill.

Thanks, Bo! Sounds like a step forward, in the right direction! My brother was again cn

That is good news, when was this well permitted?  Hope to hear of more drilling and of gathering pipelines and water storage being built in Londonderry.

Rumor is that they're finally prepping to frack the Donna well (on Skullfork; drilled last year) and that they're getting ready to start drilling the Betts well (McCoy; road & pad were completed end of last year).

Just before the April deadline,MW did a clear cut on the backside (northwest) of the Donna, apparently going to tie into the pipeline they have already run up to Tobacco Rd. Those two wells plus another are a part of the pipeline that's going to go across my parents' land, so they were told.

Good info and much appreciated.  Hope to hear more as it looks like oil and gas prices may be going back up some from where they were.  It looks like Londonderry is quite the place for the oil with the Lawson wells and others.


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