In light of the recent post on the Wefler Well on Sykes Ridge (Monroe County) being drilled and waiting for testing results, I was hoping someone might know if it is common to move rigs as was done in the case?

I am afraid most of what I know comes from long since dearly departed relatives who worked on wells and who talked about sending down "torpedoes"  (dynamite) to get the process started if it was a little sluggish. I suppose this was a primitive predecessor to fracking.

In any case, those of us who have some interest in the Wefler Well site would sure like to know if moving rigs is common and more equipment is coming, and if so how long? Is the well actually dug and is fracking the next order of business? The waiting is the hardest part. Thanks in advance for any answers?

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In Carroll Cty, CHK well, it took about six months for the frackers to get there. Not much activity in between.Two wells took 3 or 4 weeks to frac, then all the plumbing, tanks etc. A smaller tubing rig comes in for a few days. Then they pump off the water and clean the wells up. Frac to production interval was about 2 months.Production to royalty check interval, I wish I knew!

From first contact about a well pad to first check probably 2 years 2 months.

Thanks KDJ, your info is certainly helpful. I realize the gas and oil companies like to keep info close to their chest because of all the scenarios for which they have to prepare. However, for those of us waiting we have to figure out if we are looking at a dry hole, a nice payday, or something in between.

Monroe County seems to be the hotspot for favorable wells, but the waiting always leaves one wondering what fate awaits them. Anyone else offering helpful info about wait times would sure be appreciated.

In our area they are drilling one or two wells on a pad to hold the acres by production. One well for 1280 acre units and two wells ... on in each direction for two 640 acre units. Leases in our area specify 640 acre maximum unjt size so we have many like this with two wells. So rigs were here and gone in a few weeks. We signed lease Spring 2011 .. our well was drilled in Spring 2013 and fracked shortly after that. We did not have any pipeline or processing facilities in our area. Those have now been built. Our well went into production Mar 2014. Royalties just now being paid. I think there are tons of scenarios and it will be diificult for you to predict what exactly what will take place. Our well is in Columbiana by Chesapeake.

Thank you James, it certainly seems every well site is run different probably due to the companies that won them and their own unique experience. As you indicated, pipelines play a critical part. However, for those of us on the waiting end, it doesn't make it any easier guessing or listening to hearsay speculation. Thanks again for relating your experience!


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