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they may be silly, but they are a force to be reckoned with. they have social, political, media and hollywood elites at the helm. most of them are just following the starpower that leads them by the nose.

and dont forget that to these people just one gallon of something questionable being released into the environment by an energy company is unacceptable. impossible standards placed on an indispensable industry by unwitting dupes.

keep leading the charge fang, you have many folks to win in your battle against this campaign of misinformation...some of them even own minerals apparently.


wj,  "just one gallon"

Are you still digging me?  lol Please realize I am no fractivist.  I am definitely for the development of the marcellus and utica.  I will stand firm with you against the Fractivist movement.  The cleaner they can do it the better is my thing.

I have personally seen both ends of the spectrum on jobsites .  I have had inspectors follow my heavy equipment around checking for a drip from a hydraulic line and insisting I put a diaper under it if they find the drip.  I have also seen inspectors that, when informed of a bad situation, like the waste from a DeHy unit spewing on the ground told me to ignore it. "just get the plant running".

Thanks wj

well of course i wasnt digging you john, i wasnt even thinking of you when i typed that.

i was of course referring to one of the fractivist mantras that even one gallon of anything spilled, that might be dangerous, is too much.

why on earth would you think that that should apply to you?


p.s. i'm glad that you're with me now.

To add to their paranoia, the EPA probably is being paid off. Lets not forget they are human which makes them fallible, and they work for the government. For quite some time nothing has happened in government without lobby money or backscratching. That being said theses Eco nuts are radical. To add to my paranoia I would not put it past some to have self fulfilling proficies. These groups have in the past resorted to vandalizing and destroying property. I believe there was a group in Arizona that was torching housing developments. The scarier ones of the group have, as Van Jones would say "dropped the radical pose for the radical ends." They are in the EPA and top tiers of government making policy decisions.

This great news for all, except the people that hate facts. The industry is getting better every year and the reductions of all pollutants, not just methane, is impressive.

The one issue I have with the article is when they quoted Dr Howarth  and referenced his study. That study was so full of errors and suppositions that even many in the environmental community criticized it. He used data from Russian pipelines as his basis for gas leaks. Worse when comparing the release of methane in drilling to the pollutants in coal mining, he completely ignored the fact that coal mining emits large amounts of methane gas into the atmosphere. No legitimate discussion on nat gas production should ever include any references to this man or his biased studies.

But all in all, this is a great report.  We should all post-mark it and print it out to keep on file for future debates.

"This great news for all, except the people that hate facts. The industry is getting better every year and the reductions of all pollutants, not just methane, is impressive."

And they would have done all this all on their lonesome, without any push from the outside, just because they believe in clean air, clean water, and and an environment all future generations can enjoy...?

I mean, get real.  "Impressive?"  Maybe.  Self-motivated to do the right thing?  Never. 

As loony and as unreasonable as the environmental fringe can be, there is no way they have the capacity to be as destructive as a wealthy, greedy, and rapacious industry bent of getting everything they want. 

Slam the desperate environmental whackos all you want--they surely deserve it--but to elevate the oil and gas industry to any level of principled behavior without strict oversight and regulation is folly of the highest order.

(Not picking on you, Jim...your first sentence just sort of got me going.)

If they are never self motivated to do the right thing you can bet the farm it's because they are protected by some government entity.

 Reply by T.  Alexander

"As loony and as unreasonable as the environmental fringe can be, there is no way they have the capacity to be as destructive as a wealthy, greedy, and rapacious industry bent of getting everything they want."

geez, it sounds like your saying that we need the environuts to help protect us from the big bad oil companies. there's a thought.


T.  I have often thanked environmentalists for getting the industry to use safer chemicals in the frac fluids and for getting them to run cleaner operations.  But my comment was directed at the extremists that lie, distort, and scare people to death to stop this at any cost. It is they that refuse to accept facts and science.

I do not trust the industry blindly. I know there is a rule for government to play to protect us all. But it needs to be balanced and reasonable.

I consider myself an environmentalist. I have planted hundreds of trees and organized a creek cleanup years ago.  I have done more than most of the chicken littles that are against HVHF.

Fair enough.  I certainly understand your viewpoint and respect it.  More people like you and we'd have full, responsible development of our energy resources with proper sensitivity to our natural resources. 

NRDC report finds 19 percent decrease in all air toxics emitted from power plants in 2010 vs. 2009.

Great news.  Just think if we could all stop farting.


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