any one know if EQT will be at least as good as rice was. I am not very happy with this deal. I just got use to rice and now its dealing with Eqt. Any one have a history with Eqt to tell us what to expect from them. With no competition in this area I feel leases will be much less. Any thoughts on this. I am in Greene Co. PA Springhill TWP.  

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Richardson v. EQT...  They too had a Gross Lease and were screwed, thus they won their suit in Federal Court.  The general lesson was, EQT does not care what a lease calls for, it does as it pleases.

well Chesp. burned and failed I hope EQT has learned a lesson from history 

My thoughts as well Jeff

Well Stated!!!

They acquired 3-4 companies in a 2 year period. They are going to have to drill a lot to be profitable and my understanding is that the pipeline infrastructure still isn't where it needs to be. I wonder if they are setting themselves up to be bought by a Shell or other larger company in the industry. Shell would make sense with the cracker plant near Pittsburgh being built.

yes we had a delay rental from rice and I had to call EQT to get the ball rolling The check was printed in Sept. and got it in middle of Oct. my brother has not got his yet. Rice was whey better to work with. Rice pd us in July or Aug. why would EQT shoot themselves in the foot like this. Not very good at business as far as I see..looks like a take over is coming 


I'm still trying to get the back royalties owed to me on my interest in 6 wells on the Sand Rock well pad in Greene Co. First it was Vantage, then Rice and now EQT. I just started getting royalties in March of this year for Jan of this year. The wells were producing from 2011 and 2013 I believe. I have been in touch with EQT, and all I get is the run-around. And YES, they seem to have a lot of fees! I'm on Social Security and don't have money to hire a lawyer, so I wait....

yea we are still fighting with them on a delay rental we signed with rice.. Rice always pd. in time I got mine after I called 3 months late My brother still has not got his. check  Rice was a better Co, to work with hands down.Looks like EQT bit off more than they can chew. I see a big take over coming and EQT will have to sell at a loss to get out of this.. 

My cousin was getting checks from Rice, but I never did. I'd just like to know why they are so slow about paying what is due to me. Hope they have to pay interest! This has been going on for years! Vantage send us a contract on a portion of a 40 acre plot they were looking to drill on, which we agreed to, signed the paperwork only to have them come back and tell us that the surface owners actually had the royalty rights to that property. I feel that was BS, but I couldn't afford to get a lawyer to fight it. I think someone in the extended family did fight it, but I've never heard if that was ever resolved. 


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