Found this in August MWCD mins. about mineral rights at Tappan

 On motion by Mr. Pryce, seconded by Mr. Sprang, assignment of deep right mineral rights on property at Tappan Lake from Ascent Resources to Chesapeake Energy, as recommended and set forth in above memorandum, was approved.  No info on what above memorandum was, anyone know what this is about?

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let me guess, hmmm ex CEO of CHK assigns rights to CHK probably a pay off to avoid another lawsuit

Probably another flip by Mc Clenden  probably leased for 4000 an acre and sold the acreage to CHK for 10,000 or more dollars an acre ........he has been doing this all over the Utica play the deal he probably held a percentage of the future production and doubled his investment......the numbers I used are just an example of prices ......but that's how Aubrey rolls......he sells for a profit but holds a 2or 3% interest with no risk to him

Biggest thing to hit Ohio since the plow
Aubrey's Wallet !!!


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