Many of you will find this funny but this is for old-fogeys like me who don't do or know how to do the 'twitter, friend, or whatever that stuff is.  Couple of times on here I've seen the words saying 'friend' me or tweet or whatever that all is called and when I've clicked on some people it comes up and says I have to 'friend' them to talk to them.  Can someone please educate me on how that works-what I should do on this site to ask a particular person a question etc.?  Sorry to be so behind the times but if someone has the time to educate me I'd really appreciate it.   Thanks.

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To "Friend" someone on Facebook means to 'approve' or 'allow' them into your online social network. These social networks, like Facebook link everyone who has "friend-ed" each other together, and each person can see all sorts of information about all the other people. Friending someone also makes it easier to communicate on that social network. 

Simple illustration. Friending someone is like answering the door at a big party of all your friends and family. If you let them in, they are now at the party. (Note: The party lasts until you De-Friend them).

As far as THIS site goes, It's kind of the same. If I wanted to send you a message, I must first send you a "friend request" and a short message like- "Hi Lynn, I have a question about royalties." and then you decide whether or not to accept my "friendship" and then we can talk through our GMS accounts. Just like email. 

Well, hope that helps. 


Lynn, click on a person's name.  It will open a page with their info on it. In the left hand column, there will be several options.  One is "add as friend" and also "send a message"  Click on either one and follow the prompts.

Then every time you check in to the site, look at the top right hand column at "inbox"  It will show if you have any new messages.  If it says you have a new message, click on "inbox" and it will show the messages.

I sent you a friend request so you can see how it works.

Your name's not "Jerry" is it?


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