More "good news"

As many as seven massive natural gas export terminals are expected to start up overseas this year, expanding worldwide capacity by 20 percent and flooding markets with new supplies of the key power plant and heating fuel. Dozens of new tankers capable of carrying natural gas in a liquefied form are slated to hit the seas.


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David: I'm kinda confused. Your first post referred to a "drying out" of the gas produced when LNG is re-gassed and how that could impact seals and cause leaks. that's the part I'm criticizing. That is completely not true and the experience we have in LNG points to that.

Now, were you making that comment as a joke or did you really mean to say that LNG is "dry" and will have a negative impact on seals and cause leaks?

Until the worldwide economy gets up and running, the NG market will be depressed and LNG from foreign countries will contribute to our glut here in the US. That will have a negative impact on prices, although there is a good argument over how much. I think it will keep prices down, but not near as much as the impact of all the drilling in these great shale plays. The Haynesville and the Marcellus are monster plays and will provide the country with a long term NG supply that could power our country with cheap fuel for electricity generation, home heating and transportation. Of course, that means someone in our gov't is going to have to start pushing it. let's get rolling!
Stranded reserves should be left as Gas To Liquid projects. South Africa's Sasol is working out the bugs at their Qatar plant now to develop sulfur-free deisel. After seeing one of those LNG tankers come into Boston harbor surrounded by State Police choppers and little gunboats....No Thanks!
GTL is still extremely expensive. The LNG option is much more profitable.

Were these helicopters little black helicopters?? LNG is a viable option, used around the world for supplying gas to many many countries. All of the boogey man stories are blown way out of proportion.
Standard issue MA State Police choppers and orange Coast Guard inflatable boats with a machine gun turret in the bow.
With the Purchase of XTo energy by Exxon Mobil and th additional purchases of Natural Gas reserves in Colorado

It seems clear that Exxon Mobil is betting whole lot of money on the U.S. swtching to Nat GAS over Oil... fairly soon
these purchases would mean that Exxon Mobil is now the holder of largest Nat Gas reservers in the US... over 150 Trillion CF

If we really did want energy independence, which we obviously do not. We would stop exporting energy. Contrary to popular belief, we still dont produce all of our own natural gas... we still import a significant amount, even though we export a significant amount... How dumb is that? Anyway, is this an example of how big business will always do the right thing? I dont really think these ceo's of these companies are very patriotic.

Rick,   The only way to make CEOs patriotic will be to limit their salaries as Japan does. Then they will live in harmony with us, as they did before greed took control.

Hello all you people in Washington, how about some help on this.  

Federal subsidy of conversion to CNG from Gasoline and Diesel up and down the market (industrial use, electrical energy generation, freight, military, and transportation) would direct domestic usage of our abundant natural gas energy source, and most directly assist OUR country.

It doesn't take an overseas market (and risk sales of our domestic energy resources to potentially hostile states) to put our resources to use in the most direct manner possible to assist our nation / economy recover from three wars, and eleven years of recession.

Is it not OBVIOUS ?

Is it not the MOST PRACTICAL ?

Develop our DOMESTIC markets and our DOMESTIC economy before any foreign states.

To my way of looking at things to do otherwise is simply IRRESPONSIBLE, STUPID and UNFORGIVEABLE.

Get the money from the Defense Budget - it is a matter of Defense - we have been and are in an Energy War that will never end.


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