How about we organize a 100% peaceful protest at the state house in Columbus, Ohio?
If we could gather up a couple of thousand peaceful land owners and I mean peaceful, we can get them to listen to us. The new station 4 I believe is on the opposite corner from the state house. It just might work

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Uh, Governor Kasich is a little preoccupied at this time with (what he views as) more pressing matters.  He might get back to you after he finally realizes he has no chance at all of ever becoming POTUS;  or he might not get back to you.  I dunno.  He is clearly pretty burned out and bored at this point with merely being Ohio Governor.  Bigger fish to fry . . . but no fire.

He never did have a chance.I bet he is only running because someone is making it very profitable for him to take votes away from you-no-who.

Kasich has become.... irrational      

He is walking down the "Yellow brick road"  looking for the "rabbit hole  "

The only thing that can stop Trump is.... .the CIA   :(


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