What is the on average rate for mineral lease on property in Harrison County, WV?

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Harrison has been very active for permits. Looks like most are horizontals. Offers should be no less than $1,500 and 18% but who really knows with everyone being so hush, hush and the companies wanting people to not pass along that info. I might add, with ''Forced Pooling'' on the table, most will not have to worry about lease offers if the legislature enacts ''Forced Pooling''.  

So a offer of $100 per acre for mineral rights is ridiculous?

What you don't know, you don't know. $100.00 per acre is ridiculous, to those who know. Now you know. These companies will pick all the low hanging fruit they can. Climb that tree. Try to get to know whats going on around you. Wells, permits, acreage already signed or unsigned, adjoining yours and farther out, ect. Talk to neighbors (as horrible as that may sound to some). Do you own all the minerals yourself or coown? If coownership, who are the other owners, talk with them if at all possible, find out if any have already signed. Also, prepare a list of addendums if you haven't already. Do your homework !!!

From $100.00 per acre to $1,500...$3,000....$5,000 or higher, don't you think it's worth the effort?

Harrison has around 60 horizontal permits for this year (2010) alone. These companies wouldn't be sinking three million + per horizontal if the area was no good. 


Thanks for info. We don;t live their. Inheirted mineral rights. Have a attorney set up to talk to and get things straight.  Thank you for you  information.

Thought I had a attorney lined up but his company wanted a lot of money per hour and $5K for retainer fee, money we don't have. Anyone know of attorney that is good at these mineral lease contracts and familiar with Harrison county. We live in kanawha county so don;t know if that makes a difference or not.
Contact John Tabacchi in Cadiz, I used to lease for Kenyon and had several landowners use him.

Gasaholic, If you woukld please I have lost the site for looking at the permits in WV, would you post the link ?   Thank u in advance !


From here you can choose permits or wells

Thank You Nancy

What is "Forced Pooling"?

The House Judiciary Committie is preparing legislation to authorize Forced Pooling.

Here is a short list of why Forced Pooling should not be enacted by your Legislators.

You (the mineral owners) will lose your right to lease your minerals on your terms. All ''tax paying'' mineral owners in West Virginia should reserve the ''Right to a Fair Lease'' !

Billions of dollars will be lost to the State and mineral owners during the coming years of leasing and drilling !

The companies will be able to ''Force Pool'' any acreage (leased or unleased). If unleased, the companies will not have to pay any signing bonus and they may only have to pay the state minimum of 12.5%  on royalties. If already leased, you will never get the chance to negotiate a more favorable lease on your terms with addendums and separate leases for multipile parcels and formations if your poorly executed lease expires. If Forced Pooling is enacted, your chances of seeing your poorly executed leases expire greatly diminish.

The companies will also be able to ''Hold By Production'' millions of acres by including only a portion of large and small parcels in a drilling unit ! Also, the companies have taken advantage of many unknowing mineral owners by getting them to sign over multiple parcels within the same county on a single lease, allowing the companies to ''Hold By Production'' all parcels that have been included in the lease, once a well is drilled on any one parcel. If ''Forced Pooling'' is enacted, the companies will likely start applying for and drilling hundreds of verticals throughout the state so as to ''Hold By Production'' as much acreage as possible before leases expire.

The companies will be able to take all gas producing formations from the mineral owners. Mineral owners should reserve the right to lease each formation separately.

The companies will be able to drill based on all the poorly executed leases and the unsigned will not be able to add in addendums for protections. (This could end up being a hugh problem for the state and even enviromentalists should be against Forced Pooling based on this fact).

The companies already knew that ''Forced Pooling'' could possibly be enacted before leasing ever began. If you do your homework, you will see that the companies came in and leased up much of the large acreage first. If the large acreage had more than one owner, they would take a lease with the owner or owners who held the largest percentage and never offer, and in many cases, never even contact the remaining coowners who held the smaller pecentage, in hopes of being able to ''Force Pool'' them in the future. There may be an instance where a mineral owner may not be found, but the drill is still allowed to go into the ground. As for the mineral owners who can be found, these companies should be Forced to contact all owners initially and present an offer to the group.

WVSORO wants ''Forced Pooling'' but they have gone as far as to say this about horizontal drilling;

''WVSORO generally favors horizontal drilling because one well site, access road and pipeline replaces three or four. Morewover, if horizontal wells are drilled from centralized well pads, one well site, access road and pipeline can replace more than 20 vertical well sites''.  Will WVSORO ever be happy ?

WVSORO and the companies always use the term ''landowner'' to make the story of ''Forced Pooling'' sound as if it may be the only way an unleased landowner will be able to share in the royalties. Fact is, most landowners in West Virginia do not own the minerals that lay beneath their surface, thus mileading more people to believe that ''Forced Pooling'' is the right thing to do.

As for the Billions of lost dollars, those dollars will be going back to Texas, Oklahoma ect..... !!!

So, be sure to contact your legislators and voice your disapproval of ''Forced Pooling''.

These legislators should be working for the ''Tax Paying West Virginians'' and not the gas companies !!!



Thanks for a quick education. And, I will be sure to SPREAD THE WORD to all friends and neighbors.


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