Has anyone with an old existing pipeline on their property been approached to allow widening of the ROW?

Has anyone with an old existing pipeline on their property been approached to allow widening of the ROW?

If so , how did your negotiations go and did the process open up the terms of the original agreement to negotiation? I have a hunch this will be arising sooner or later for some of us and we should be preparing now.

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There are hundreds of existing pipeline rights of way that are 40 or 50 years old that are from 25' to 50' wide.

No one on this site has had any experience with these companies wishing to widen them?

A few months back there were hundreds of yellow ribbons all along the pipeline routes.

I called CHK to ask if there were putting in larger pipelines.

As usual, I was told no and we don't know why those ribbons were there.

So why were they there then??




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