HB 1684 may come to vote on March 31st, tell your Representative to vote YES!!

All the ranting and raving  here will do no good, you must call your state Representative to vote yes. The link below is a list of all the Reps please call tell your neighbor's to call. The bill will help everyone in the state of Pennsylvania. We the people have the power you just have to use it! 



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Philip I am fighting I am running my mouth, I spoke with a snotty Rep from Chesapeake yesterday and just wanted to pull him through the phone!  Philip many people that see this going on do not realize what is ACTUALLY going on!  The public has to see how American Leaseholders and Citizens of Bradford County!

I say take our Wells back PAY UP OR GET OUT!

They say we cannot do it ,  I believe with enough people we will be heard and we will get our way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

By the way I FB them all time they hate me urge everybody do Facebook the polaticians and news stations and whatever can be done!

the way to win this war is to contact your ELECTED officials,either thru a phone call, letter or email.they all work.WE THE PEOPLE elect these folks into office and they know it-I am so sick of so many people thinking that big money gets people elected.it does NOT.if it would,then Mitt Romney would be our president of the USAright now.

I do Lamar and I agree with you totally !

You are right Philip I got your Back< I actually sent emails to a lot of them but I will again:)


greene co. state house rep is PAM SNYDER-[D]-OFFICE PHONE NO. IS 724-966-8953.Greene co. senator is TIMOTHY SOLOBAY-[D]-OFFICE PHONE NO. IS-724-627-9802.

Perhaps also inform certain state reps that if they don't vote yes on this issue, you intend to make substantial contributions to their opponents from your royalty income until they are driven from office :)


Donna, You need to call and email all the representatives on the list on the above link, and tell all you friends. tell them to please vote yes on HB 1684. that's the only way it can get done.

here we go

sign now

Now you are talking!


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