Pro-Landowner Royalty-Deduction Bill Passes Out of Committee: See how they voted (HB1684)

Yea votes stand with the land owners of Pennsylvania, Nays do not!!!! We landowners need to support those who support us. We cannot forget these people who fight for what's right for the people of Pennsylvania. The fight isn't over yet.

Let's thank Rep. Garth Everett for sponsoring this legislation

Phone: (717) 787-5270

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Then we vote them OUT it's that simple! It will come to the floor for a vote. The court asked the legislatures to define the law.

I would surely hope the Citizens keep pressure on the Dems and Repulicans  to pass this before.  I think waiting until November could be very hard on some people. 

This will really get you!!


The cat climbed out of the bag way back in 1979 is correct. (mentioned around 25:25)   It was guaranteed at that time- 12.5%.     

Thank you for posting this! Very interesting!  Very Frustrating!  I have to take a break now also.

Well they're politicians, so I'd say stupidity, greed, ignorance, corruption or some combination thereof.  

You are correct about the 12.5% as far as you go, but you are overlooking the language that came after that number, and the wording that didn't show up!  Thirty plus years ago we (general public and professionals ... including politicians) knew nothing of Marcellus/Utica shale in our midst.  Will the laws written across our land be as relevant in 30 yrs. as we intend them to be today?  Likely not.  The world is very fast paced, and unless laws are written to be "re-visited" often enough to keep up with the times, we'll continue to have long-winded discussions like this forever!

Possibly the individuals who've commented on HB 1684 more than 10 times might use a conference call between themselves so "breaks" won't be necessary.

She must mean you, Matthew Santiago. Until now I've commented less than 10 times. But we both needed breaks while watching the committee meeting.

If you are referring to me, then keep in mind that my lawyers, the landman and I were referring to state law at the time of signing the lease. And that law was passed in 1979. 1/8 minimum. Guaranteed.

See the need to create opposing sides?  Please sign on to Solomon's Word ... a news blog.  It's carrying an article that makes everyone involved THINK.

Matt Santiago - it's this simple...once you sign - you're at their mercy. (period)

THEY know it - and we're just beginning to figure that out...this is not going to be good. THEY knew that going in - they have the pull, we're just 'that little guy' (with ground that THEY want...)

As one light lights another, nor grows less - so nobleness enkindles nobleness.

I have no objection to a little deductions off my royalties but there taking way too much its like they take our money as if its a open check. how much dose it really cost to get it to the hub. 


That is true !

Instead of guessing what the motives were for voting nay on this issue we need to hear their reasons. Writing them is essential, then reviewing and making public their response here would be helpful. Perhaps some very public pressure might help. Perhaps I can be accused of being naive but I think that the light of day might be helpful here.


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