I recently watched the movie "Hillary's America" I recommend every American see that. It explains the history of the democratic party and the rise of the Clintons. It talks about their views on the oil and gas industry and the war on coal and fossil fuels. I came away from that movie enlightened and disturbed. If she becomes our next POTUS we are in for trouble on a biblical scale. Our country will cease to exist as we know it. Has any one else on site seen this? 

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We need to keep this discussion on this page and at the top.

The true political season does not begin until after labor day.

The points brought out are important to the decision in November.

Hillary intends to repay the money given her by Saudis, the environmental left, and others, by killing domestic oil and gas development and production. That domestic development and production includes development and production of the shale in Ohio, WV, PA, NY etc.

Donald Trump supports domestic oil and gas development and production, including shale.

The choice is simple.

We need trump to win.


Yes we do.

The issue of oil and gas development is only an indication of the depravity of Hillary Clinton.

She stands for heavy handed top down centralized control by an over reaching government on and in every aspect of our lives.

That's called Totalitarianism, Marxism, whatever term you wish to use. All I know is taht her vision is anti American, anti Constitution and that is all I need to know.

We do not need any more government intervention in our lives. I do not want her promised government hand outs. I'll get what I need by working for it. I don't need her hand outs which she will expect me to repay somehow.

Our God given rights set out in the Declaration of Independence and codified in the Constitution is what I expect our President to protect, there is nothing he/she can give us. It's already there in those two documents. All the President has to do is protect our God given rights.

One of those rights is the right to property, which, in this country, includes our mineral rights.

Hillary Clinton intends to strip us of our property rights.

Donald Trump would respect them.

The choice is simple.

The people who vote for a Clinton POTUS will pay for the "freebies" with their freedoms. Nothing is free in this world as we working people know for sure. But those who vote for the liberal ticket are being played and led like blind sheep to the slaughter. I hope this discussion will be read by some liberal leaning voters and will change their minds and push them to the right. Trump is not a perfect candidate but I believe he is more transparent and honest than the Clintons, yes we must include wild Bill in this equation because he will definitely have an influence on Hillary's decisions, especially our economy and foreign policy and trade agreements so I refer to "them" as "Billary." LOL, I read that here a while back I think. Both are known liars and deceivers.  TRUMP, TRUMP, TRUMP.....!   LOCK HER UP! LOCK HER UP, LOCK HER UP!  :) 

Yes, I watched it as well. The democrats in general are destroying our country. I can;t believe the people that are still supporting Hillary. She has lied and lied and yet people keep making excuses for her.

Hi MLD, thank you for your reply. The only thing we can do to make a difference is to tell as many people as we can about what the Dems stand for. I was a democrat for many years but the party has changed (morphed) into something that is very dangerous to our way of life. What it once was it is no more. The last 8 years under Obama has fundamentally changed what this country originally stood for. It is now being controlled by special interest groups such as "Planned Parenthood", "Freedom From Religion", "Black Lives Matter" and "Green Energy" supporters. There are also those who are "Anti-Fossil Fuel", "Anti-Gun rights", "Gay Rights Activists" and those who want an open southern border. These are just a few of the groups who want a Clinton POTUS. Then, there is the question about the Syrian refugees who are mostly Muslims who "hate" our way of life and she wants to let 10s of thousands of them into our country for the tax payer to take care of. I don't care what anyone says, that is not "the right thing to do"!   I believe the more of us who tell what we know to everyone we can may make a difference in the outcome of this election. The Supreme Court is of utmost importance since the 9 Justices vote on key issues. Clinton will appoint the most "Liberal" Judges she can to sway the votes in the Liberals favor. This post has had almost 9000 views as I write this reply. We must stick together against the Liberal agenda and voice our opinion to our elected officials who will ultimately make up the "Electoral College" which will decide our next POTUS.      

I totally agree with everything you've posted. I am most concerned about the "Syrian Refugees". People should go online and view what is happening in Europe with these so called refugees. They have taken over cities like Berlin. They are raping the women, one even grabbed a 7 year old girl and raped her! Even the refugee kids are ganging up and terrorizing the local kids. There are videos of busloads of these refugees going to these welcoming countries such as the UK, chanting Death to the UK. It is scary as hell! I know I don't want what is happening there to happen here. Hillary is talking about bringing in 550% more of these refugees than we have already admitted. Why would anyone here want that? I am totally for Trump. I know he isn't perfect but I can't even imagine what will happen to this country if crooked Hillary gets in.

Talk about these issues with everyone you know, post on facebook, twitter, and every other social media outlet you have access to. And pray pray pray pray, that our country will survive this and become great again. Lord God, in the name of Jesus, guide us and save us from these crooked politicians that seek to destroy our American way of life. Help us to be "one nation, under God, with liberty and justice for all" and adhere to the Judeo/Christian principles that made us great in the beginning. Make it so!  

Germany is less than 1 generation removed from being lawless. Obama and Hillary have America on the same path...

Danny; you change your screen name again?


Clinton is at it again, lying about the Donald saying ISIS is rooting for him to win the election. Donald Trump will be our enemy's worse night mare..... Clinton and Obama keep telling our enemies what we "won't" do.... This is aiding and abetting our enemies. Trump says he will take some of Iraq's oil and that would be considered the "spoils of war" perfectly o.k. to retrieve treasure from a vanquished enemy. If ISIS win's the war we are currently in do you  think they would not take our national treasures? It would be within our rights to confiscate anything of value to our enemies. Obama just paid 1.7 billion in cash! In cash, to the largest state sponsor of terror in the world!  The people who every Friday chant, "Death to America" "Death to Israel"! And Clinton would continue to help our enemies by warning them in advance about military strategies. LOCK HER UP! LOCK HER UP! LOCK HER UP!


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