Hello, my names Ryan DeMattio. I live in Jefferson county, and I'm actively seeking a natural gas drilling job.  My dad works for water transport and delivers water to all the wells very frequently, its a great economic boost for him. He has talked to alot of the guys on the wells and from what they told him (77k a year starting out, great benefits, only working 6 months a year) I was interested.  I'm currently going to school at Penn State New Kensington but I would much rather be working on one of those gas wells!  One of the guys my dad talks to alot hooked me up and had me use him as a reference, he said its not IF I get a phone call, but WHEN. He said a new rig comes online every month so just wait and you will be getting a call.  I'm really excited, but I have that little guy on my shoulder saying don't do it.  Im worried that I'm going to drop out of college (I'm only a freshmen) and start on these rigs and 15-20 years from now they are all gone. Then im 35-40 years old with a family, no job, and no education.  My dad said all the guys on the rigs said they will be here for 100+ years, but I just wanted some second opinions, or if anyone could find a link that has estimations and so fourth, thanks! -Ryan

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That is so true , I posted here early on that a lot of people end up working and doing things you don't want to do, but end up doing jobs that you have to do, to be able to make enough money to be able to handle the responsibilities you get as you marry ,have children and bills .  And then after the time it takes to be able to maybe be free of some of the need for as much money  then just get too old or set in a job to change horses late in the game . I have been married for over 24 years and I have encouraged my son to go after the thing that makes him happy, in his case it is working with computer technology . He began teaching himself some basic programming at age 14 and he has continued and is now in College. I just wish I had someone encourage me to complete college right out of high school . I would have had so many opportunities that were never offered to me.Many younger folks that hired on at the power company I worked for had these chances and were offered amazing promotions once they got  their foot in the door  just because they had a degree . I understand from afriend of mine in the Oil business that there is a lot of opportunity in the petroleum engineering field that offers amazing money also .


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