included in a unit or not included in a unit, how do you know for sure?

I am confused to the many differing answers I have received about being in a unit. I was told in the early process of a well pad being placed near me I was included. I am being approached weekly by landmen wanting to repurchase my mineral rights. I do not own a huge amount of acreage, a little over 17 ac., I just need the facts, recently told by a landman I should sell to him because I am 600 yards short of the unit.  I just need to know for sure. Is there a way I can find this out?  I have made calls to the person whom we signed our chesapeake contract, but does not return, any info would be appreciated

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What State, County and Township are you located in? This information will make it easier for members to guide you in the right direction.

It goes without saying if the landmen are looking to purchase your rights they know something...  like your acreage is in the unit. Why else would they want to purchase your mineral rights??? 

Also Rebecca,

Do not be discouraged with the amount of your agreage the royalties add up quickly especially if their are multiple wells in the unit.

We have 14 acres in one unit with three producing wells and the monthy royalties are worth keeping for yourself.

I am located in Harrison county Ohio, Stock Township. Honestly, not in any hurry to do anything, I just don't like being in the dark. If at some point I may be involved I would like to have all  the correct information  Thank you

That's good, that you are not in a hurry, it is always best to weigh all your options before making a decision.

Unfortunatley I am in PA so as far as advising you where to look for information on your unit I can't help you there, hopefully some of the people on the forum from Ohio will see your post and jump in with some helpful information for you.

Just from reading some of their posts many of them refer to ODNR which I assume is the Ohio Dept.of Natural Resources as a place to start looking for which unit you may or may not be included in.

Good luck!!

Thank you for the help , I have been to the odnr site and cant seem to bring up correct info I am looking for.   This is what I do know the well name is Henderson south, but there again there are 2 well pads named Henderson south,permit number is 10-12-6 , according to my water sample test this is where I get confused, 


  I too am having difficulty in accessing land owners in a well plat.  Have looked at the ODNR site, have found the well name and number (kidd 21-12-6 1H), but cannot for the life of me fiqure out where to go on the ODNR site to get the well plat info you describe.  thanks

It is good to know that I am not the only one who cant  figure out ODNR 's website.  Perhaps they could get OSU extension service to start  training sessions or JUST GET A DECENT  WEBSITE !!!

fang ,,,  how can i tell how many acres are in this unit


Could you please do another favor for an ODNR challenged person and post  the platt for Hess well Lude 1H-34 in Richland twp  ,Belmont co.  I have used up several hours trying to do same with no success.

Thanks in advance,


Take a ride to Chesapeake's office in Towanda and ask for Doreen.  She will help you.

Thanks Fang, just now logged in.

Thank you so much for the help, I have gotten a well plat map which has been very helpful,still not sure I understand , but will try to keep educating myself , on the map my property is within the 640 unit but not named,which probably means something , just don't know what


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