Is anyone currently offering a landowner friendly O&G lease in Center Twp Guernsey County Ohio ?

We have 26 acres with a lake that we are willing to lease here in Guernsey County Ohio.

Also interested in selling frac water from the lake.

We will consider options on selling the 26 acres of land without mineral rights.

Located near I-70 East of Cambridge Ohio, near Mile Post 183.

This is a great location for new construction, home or business. 

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You are probably going to have to wait and see who buys the Chumney well in Center.

I'm not familiar with that well, but thanks. 

Cheyenne , looks like we have ground right next to you and across from u on arrowhead rd .. We signed with eclipse last yr.. They actually called us to lease .. So it might be worthwhile for them to add your acreage ..very good lease ..we turned them over to KWGD lawyers from canton and they handled the negotions .. For a small pc of the pie

Thanks, I will try contacting them if they have a number.

330 497 0700 Ryan Reaves

Thanks again, we will be sure to keep you posted on what we learn.

We finally made contact with Andy Bell of Eclipse 419-631-4399.

He claimed that he  (Eclipse) has not yet leased any minerals as far west as Arrowhead Road, Guernsey County. He stated that they have not yet moved west of Old Washington, due to what he said was the OIL WINDOW. He explained that their current drilling technology is not effective at getting the liquids/ oil out of the ground in the oil window, due to not enough gas pressure to force the liquids to the surface. He feels that it will be several more years before the Cambridge Area Utica Oil Window will be drilled and developed.     


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