Kasich Exposed as Socialist! Severence tax is Redistribution if Wealth (FACT!)

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Well Anastasia maybe we should all ask ourselves why we just don't deposit half of our hard earned paychecks into your account . I mean if you cant benifit from me finding some dumb job and working so hard to raise my family. Or am I JUST LUCKY TO HAVE A JOB ,it took no skill or planning upon myself or family sacrifice to get where I am today in my job. These people ( landowners) have had this land, they have tended to this land. And god for bid paid tax to OHIO for this land over and over .That is the land they are lucky enough to have these leases on. I mean come on its just that easy I am sitting here one day and shizamm. Some oil rich guy knocks on my door with a fat paycheck. He begins to tell me how rich he is going to make me and my family. Come on any one who believes this is just plain dumb. And any one who does not recognize this as a attempt to socialize and redirect your wealth.Is just as stupid !!! HEY EVERYONE here it comes the big sucking sound followed by poor me !!!!!!!!!!

I think we are helping stir up some business. This site is about shale and all things pertaining to it. We are generally landowners trying to find our way through these incredible times.

Who needs more of the self entitlement talk ? Have we all not heard enough of this during the election. This country boy needs a rest from all that. All of us good ol boys have been broke ,spent our lives just making it. We know what it is like to work for everything we ever have gotten. And I NEVER looked for a hand out. I am excited about this boom just like the rest of us. It has been to long to late for this area. Although Frank you are correct ,we need to discuss Oil and Gas biz. period. 

Oh, come on, they haven't mentioned Hitler yet.  We're usually to Hitler by now. 

Why are you worried about him, is he your hero?????

I don't think there's anything wrong with certain areas getting some of the benefits of the shale money. For example, the roads/bridges are essential for the frac trucks, drills, pipe infrastructure, and who knows how many other aspects of the shale industry to be possible. I think using money from that tax on roads and bridges is win win. Trust me, I'm NOT suggesting the money go to public transportation!

So Superwalmart and their plaza occupants should pay a severence tax because they are going to use the roads with their daily trucks and patrons? What about any new business that is going to create jobs, transportation use and changes in infrastructure. Let's chase them out of town too! Lance your reasoning is flawed!

How many years were we the poor people of eastern and southeastern Ohio and western Ohio had all the good farm land and business.Nobody shared with us then!!!!!!

Nobody was making a whole lot of money in Ohio, or at least, no industries were creating the kind of tax revenue that the oil and gas boom will - and it's not like the state is going to start handing out checks (like they do in Alaska...), those tax dollars will benefit everybody in the state, with better roads, better schools, better parks - and your counties will profit, as well, when others will not.  And if the state can ride along on the back of the oil and gas companies, with a fair severance tax, which the oil and gas companies can afford, maybe they won't have to tax other industries so hard and other types of development might come to the state.  Assuming those in the state house do a decent job of allocating the tax revenue. 

Wrong! Fair severance tax? It is not fair in any way shape or form. Kasich is a socialist pig!

One part of this that was mentioned in this thread is how many people are protected against this new tax. I am but I also know of many that are held by production on an older lease with 12.5% net terms. In all honestly this will heavily effect those mineral/landowners and that's who I am thinking about.
When this 1st was brought up earlier this year I wrote to the governor who I know could care less but I tried by saying how unfair this is to those Ohioans. If the state would make all those old leases at least gross the landowner would have a fair chance at making a decent profit from this boom and most likely wouldn't mind the extra tax.
At no time when those leases where signed could they have imagined this deep drilling or other taxes added on.
Again we need to fight for those mineral owners who will be hurt with that tax on a 12.5 net lease. After all is said and done what would their take home really be? This is a just a shame.
I'm not completely against sharing this wealth but it should be worked out that the towns and counties where the money is coming from should get a bigger piece of that pie. It's those towns and Counties that will see their costs rise due to the boom. As an example I can see columbiana co. getting some extra revenue from extra sales but a lot of people go else where to shop but even if they all did shop here would it cover the costs to repair the roads, bridges, add police to help escort the wide loads, etc. The Counties with the burden to help keep this boom going should be compensated with that money more than a county that has no financial burden concerning this boom.

Boy, isn't that the truth.  I can think of at least 4 small operators who are holding landowners hostage, and a lot of them are getting sued as a result.  It's a problem in a lot of ways -  production reporting is pretty much voluntary and unverified by the state.  And your property could be held by a well you never even knew about, because of an old lease and unitization.  And the small operator is hanging on for dear life hoping a big oil company will come in and pay him big bucks for his leases.  The landowner is left out in the cold, figuratively and literally.  I would hope that at some point in time the state will step in a pass legislation as to what "paying quantities" must be - what the minimum is - production on a lot of those old shallow wells is negligible. 


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