I have property in Beccaria Township Clearfield County I have recieved my first lease offer from Penn Natural Resources for 1000/acre 15% royality . The Lease Terms are not good which is a big surprise. I called a consulting firm of Western Pa Gas Consultants for help in dealing with the Gas Company which was Formerly Campbell Oil and Gas they charge 15% of the Bonus. I am looking for a Landowner Group in my area to see if there are others in the same situation.

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Greetings David Sheehan....I grew up with knowing a family by that name....maybe you all are related.

well I read this and I remembered that our group admin here has a nice list of landowner groups at this link

see if they can be of help and perhaps maybe they will send you a sample contract to help you also identify the terms as to which ones may be more beneficial than others. If you live with a 'clean and green' status classification on your property you will indeed want a clause to identify that also. There are also important clauses about top leasing, timber, etc....so it will behoove you to view a good contract before entering into one they have at present for you.
hope this helps.


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