What is current lease rate and Royalty for Clearfield Co, PA

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I would like to know too! I believe it is somewhere between 150 and 6,000 statewide, know someone in another county that received, 5,900 for 5 yr lease.
it depends on where you are located. Last I heard its between a couple hundred and a thousand dollars.
I wonder what my parents will get. They own around a little over 2 acres. They were initially told like 250 and acre. My brother says they can get thousands. Its this correct?
I believe it's what you accept as a "reasonable" offer. If there are folks accepting low lease rates, that's what will be offered across the county b/c the O&G companies aren't going to offer you any more than they have to. I think how closely your property is to existing pipelines makes a huge difference too--just my two cents.

I would recommend doing as much research as possible of all the leasing across the state and try to self assess your property and stick to you what you believe it's worth. Land agents are shopping for the best deal for them not you.
Clearfield County is being leased at the rate of $1,000 to $3,000 per acre for larger viable tracts near pipeline systems with capacity.

Size matters (bigger the more valuable) and this is for a paid in full 5 year lease.
well put, i feel if you hold less then a section (640 acres) a group may be your best route.
Janice, where is your group located? ( COUNTY WISE)


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