looking to lease my mineral rights in cambridge ohio (gurnsey county)

I am looking to sing with some one on my mineral rights here in cambridge ohio (gurnsey county) does any one know if any one is leasing in this area and if it is going to be a good spot for production thanks everyone for looking and have a great day

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Where in Cambridge Twp. is your acreage located?  I have acreage just N/NW of cambridge in Cambridge Twp.  Together with sorrounding nieghbors, we have nearly 2000 acres and have begun the process of reaching out to the e and p companies in an effort to lease our acreage.  It appears so far that the companies are less eager to lease west of Interstate 77.   Hopefully this will soon change as well results to the west of us, particularly the wells on Institute Rd. and Range Rd., come in favorably.  To  my understanding, Cambridge Twp. lies within the volatile light oil portion of the Utica.  Its productivity will depend upon the underlying pressure of the formation and/or the various techniques the companies can utilize in the formation. 

near the reservoir/sigman/reservoir road I had a land man come from amarado or some thing close to that he would not look  me in the eye while he was here and offered me 250 dollars an acre told him i was not stupid and to get off my porch after toying with him for a few minutes .so needless to say i would not sing with them no matter f what they offered  me now  so  if anyone can help me with some names of companys leasing  i would be greatfull

Gulfport Energy has leased acreaged in that vicinity. They may be interested. They have a website.

$250/acre!?!? Was that recently?? Wow I wouldn't want that guys job!

that was about a year ago sad the guy who was doing it has lived around here his whole life he got a guy down the road to sing with him think guy had around 75 acres not going to mention the land mans name but if he is reading this you know who you are and you should be ashamed of your self funny the day before he came to my house i was at neighbors up road and guy a different guy was their offering 2500 an acre lol  just bothers me knowing that someone who lived here their whole life would walk around in broad daylight and do this to people then about two months later another guy from same company came to house offering 2500 when going price was 5,000  my feelings are i wish someone would go to richard lauflin center and ask if they would let meeting happen their for the community and all then go to jeffersonian paper have artical written for all landowners who have not singed or have singed and was released or past their six months to show up then we all band together and stick together and say we will not sing for no less than 14,000.00 dollars an acre and 25 percent royalties buyer must take all legitimate leases if sold to another company we get 50 percent of what lease is sold for  seeing they were paying 5,000.00 an acre then selling same lease for 14,000.00 an acre  we have the right to barter with these guys and many of us out their are the missing link to a pad we just need to be stronger and not so strung out all over the place right now were divided and thats what they want I am sure if everyone got together on this it would happen thing is will it happen it can happen it is an all or nothing thing we are the wheels we just need to come together  they will pay when it comes down to it sooner or later make this a whole county thing not a road by road thing you want the cake take it all or dont touch it were the people that will have to deal with the loud noises  the messed up roads the price increases that come with this boom you know it is just a matter of time before the price gouging starts and above the possible cons of drilling pollution  tearing up of the land we will live here for the rest of our lives i dunno just some food for thought

Gulfport released a bunch of people from their leases about 2 month ago after a mass lease signing in April. Gulfport said they were having trouble doing background checks on the lands rightful mineral owners...(RIGHT). Gulfport said they may re-lease at a future date. I have been toying around with trying to get back in touch with them to see if they have plans to lease again in Guernsey County (Westland Twnshp)..

Please let the rest of us know, if you find out anything. I"m sure they have plans. They have 50+ pads inked in somewhere around here; Guernsey/belmont/harrison mainly.

yea,carroll county,you should get around 5000 an acre

If you can provide enough acres through your connections to drill a 4000' or more lateral, the I can bring the investors.

Do you have places to drill horizontally?


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