Please take time to update your personal knowledge of SHALE info by attending this meeting. It's not often that speakers of this caliber come into this area to make such presentations, and answer your questions face-to-face.

SHALE GAS:  Updates, Land Management and Lease Options

AUGUST 19, 2015   2 - 4 PM  Gunzburger Bldg.  One North Main

Coudersport, PA 16915

Registration is required due to limited seating.  The event is FREE but you must register @   or  call  570-320-4429


Shale Overview,  Trends,  Production Options When Under a Lease,   Land Management During Production 

Presenters: Dan Brockett -  Penn State Marcellus Education Team,  Bud Shuffstall - Sr. Vice President, Sr. Oil, Gas and Mineral Officer @ Northwest Savings Bank

One thing everyone has already learned about shale resources throughout the country is that nothing stays the same.  Their profitability and  marketability are on a constant roller coaster ride which affects us all.  Their uses are ever-expanding which means the demand will be a constant, but what does that mean to local citizens, OGM owners, and institutions.  Sign up.  Find out.  There's always more to learn.

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