"A review of regulations associated with natural gas drilling could soon clear the way for energy companies to begin work in the Southern Tier.

Efforts to tap into the Marcellus Shale in New York have been on hold while the Department of Environmental Conservation assesses the impact of the horizontal drilling technique on water, landscape, and communities.

Southern Tier Economic Growth president George Miner tells the Star-Gazette, as soon as the review is done, and drilling can begin, it will create a lot of jobs in the region."

How long have these regulations been in the works?

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when is the dec expected to complete its assessment.
When is the DEC going to be done with the GEIS report????
The NY DEC has said that the sdGEIS will not be out until Sept, 09
9-25-09 chasgas
Did the DEC release the report?
You may never see drilling if the anti-everything crazies continue in their quest.
I attended the DEC hearings in NYC on Nov. 10 and in Chenango Bridge on Nov. 12 2009, and just spoke to people who were at the (supposed) LAST hearing in Corning last night.
If you are a NY landowner and ever want to see drilling in the state you better do something NOW. Or kiss it goodbye.
If you believe vertical is where the gas (and money) is, then fine. However, you may want to check into something called the marcellus shale.
The marcellus needs to be horizontally drilled and fracked.
The only drawback with what you are saying, is that this website is called GO MARCELLUS SHALE.
Shane-- WhitMar is certainly very interested in Marcellus shale in Luzerne Co., PA. Not sure what they're up to in NY. They just did a joint venture with EnCana to do Marcellus shale drilling there. --Tom
To furthur Shane's Point about additional formations.. Here in Delaware County and next to us, there are at least 7 differant Shale and Sandstone formations... Marcellus is only one of them.. And the Utica formation is actaully 4-5 times as thick as the Marcellus.. Additionally there may be more deeper formations but no one has drilled that deep yet.. Please keep in mind that Oil Drilling can go as deep as 15,000 feet or more, and we are only talking abuot 5-7 thousand here... So those of us who live in the NYS/Penn Areas will be seeing producing gas wells for the rest of our existance and maybe even those of our children and grand children..
I actually do agree with you, Shane, and I have argued the same thing in other places.
Yes, there are other formations producing gas, specifically the TBR in my area of NY. Frankly there is plenty of gas to be drilled under NY, and we certainly need to do it.

I am just very concerned right now with the possibility that NY landowners could lose their CHOICE of how they use their land if certain political parties and organizations get what they want. NY needs the jobs, the income, and frankly we all need the natural gas.

I can only hope this is resolved in NY so that LANDOWNERS do not lose their rights and the ability to choose what they do with their land.


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