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Will it force a higher demand for the gas in our area? 

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I would hope so. I say let China convert the tar sands bitumen into dirty oil and let the USA use our own Marcellus & Utica gas & oil !

No offense Todd.  That's not going to happen.  China helps keep the market value of oil & gas up.  Do you think they are going to keep it here to lower the price?  Why do you think the Alaskans have to wait for an ice breaker  tanker from Russia while their oil is being piped--conveniently--to Japan?

Wow!  They pump heating oil out of the ground in Alaska.  Tell us more Tanya.

i believe this administration will block the pipelines that need to go in here. do you think they are going to let us run a pipeline up Rt 11 without a ten year study? do you think they will let oil companies build crackers here without 12 years of studies, and then turn the permits down? by the time election time comes this administartion will have a hornets nest of opposition. or they won't and we will fade away.......

The GOOD news about them is that a pipeline will fall (at least at first) under STATE jurisdiction, since Rt. 11 is a state route...

Ed, you are so right and if people read the article correctly, the state is the one that delayed it without having time to do what they needed to do..Administration just backed the requested. Amazing how people blame without truely seeing the words.

If the pipe line were going thru Mexico it would have been stoped long ago.  Why would you refine dirty oil, at a much higher cost with a lot more polution, when it looks like we have plenty of clean cheap energy here under our feet.... in the USA.  There is enough profit in oil and wet gas that some companies have wells that they just burn the NG off as waste.  They are still happy to sell NG at $2.50.  Obama just meet with energy companies and manufactures and gave a lets go on drilling, energy independence and jobs and the naysayers have been quiet.  Lots  of news on NG for transportation and electric generation.  Looks like a good year for our region and the USA!

Looks like the comments on this thread are going to be based on political persuasion, not the facts.

I think Obama has USA oilmen's interest in mind in this case.

 I have to disagree, one can not argue it would create jobs. The environmental nut cases are declaring it a victory  which will only encourage them to attack big bad oil even harder. When that's done and Fracking being a  zero tolerance position with the environmentalist we will be shafted!

you need to study the president a little closer. he is a social justice kind a guy. americans need to wake up. his phylosophy is what is mine is mine, what is yours is up to debate.

Would you rather he have Saudi and Middle East, African, Iran or Canada's oilmen's interest in mind?  Russia or China?

 My point is I do not trust him, he can be one day the next who knows is my point.


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