the pennsylvania democrat committee endorsed a moratorium on fracking till it is proven 'safe'.  vote the dems in and end prosperity in pa.

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Incapable of logical thought, that is what this displays. Therefore unfit to serve in their capacity as state legislators. Throw them out!

This will not end with another study.

We already have dozens of studies that show hydraulic fracturing to be fundamentally safe.

The anit shale development movement continually move the goal posts. Even if there was another study the anti people would ask for more and more always more.

Just look what has occurred in NY. They had a moratorium, they have a new study, and they have new regulations. But the anti development groups aren't satisfied. That is because their true goal is the end of shale development. They just aren't honest enough to tel you.

It's time to just tell these folks no more, we are aall satisfied that hydro fracing is safe. If you want to spend millions of dollars on a study then have at it. In the mean time we reasonable people are moving forward.

I hope the democrat  are just trying for a new tax on the o/g companys. we will shut you down or pay us 3% a scare tactic.


No this is not an attempt for more money.

Many Democrats are tied to the environmental left by campaign contributions. This is a payback for the contributions.

We need to find out who these Democrats are and mobilize our people in their districts.

Once they see the support for shale development they will back off.

Who are these Democrats ?

Just look at the lack of coverage this has drawn you can't even find it on the Demo web site.
This moratorium should be printed of by the hundreds of thousands with names of who voted aye and nay and Haned out at every town style meeting in PA.
Then the news agencies would be forced to at least acknowledge its existence.

These Democrats are mostly big city ( Phila and PitsBrg) , their constituents care only for dollars their reps

bring to their districts. Their coffers are bare and the local pols smell money!

No amount of info campaigning will move these people out of office. The fear mongers have done their

work! The big city pols have an issue to tout their concern for their voters. "We will protect you. Vote for me! And we will black mail the industry and those rich land owners to get money you



Good points.

However, we small town constituents can't continue to sit back and take the leftovers. Shale development means real prosperity for us.

We should be "... Mad As Hell..." and refuse to take it anymore.

The people of the southern tier of NY did it. They through out any politician who didn't support shale development. The People of PA and OH can do the same.

They always either want a new study or more tax. Here is a list of what the state and Federal Govt already get from natural gas.And I bet I forgot about some.

Natural Gas Facts

1 They create jobs and pay workers that pay income tax
2 They pay registration fees for vehicles
3 They pay a motor fuels tax
4 They pay for a permit to withdraw water from water sources
5 They pay gas well storm water permit for well pads
6 They pay a well bore permit
7 They pay a well permit for each well drilled from the main bore. Can be as many as 12
18 They pay a landowner lease
19 They pay a landowner royalty
20 They pay a Corporation tax
21 They pay a tax on profit to the state
22 They pay a tax on profit to the Fed Govt
23 The landowners pay state tax on royalties
24 The landowners pay Fed tax on the royalty
25 They repair the roads they use. Something the state gets 44 cents a gallon for but spends on other than roads and bridges.
26 The natural gas buyer pays a tax
27 They pay for permits and right of way for pipelines to get gas to market.
28 Have I missed anything. Thats already 27 fees the natural gas industry pays
29 Now they have an extraction tax and impact fees these 2 will be 28 and 29 fees the industry and landowners pay.
30 I forgot this one silly me. If your land is Clean and Green and the gas company drills a well or uses some of your Clean and Green acres. The used acreage is no longer Clean and Green and is now taxable as non Clean and Green. And if my memory is good the tax on that used acreage is payable by the land owner for the last 7 years that the land owner received a tax discount on that land for Clean and Green even though it was clean and green for that 7 years. There was talk about doing away with that but I am not sure if it passed
31 The land owner pays a tax on the lease money to the state.
32 The land owner pays a tax on the lease money to the Federal Government.
What will they think of next.

Great reply, Herbert.  Post it on as many online newsblogs as possible, newspapers, and definitely send it to Harrisburg and Albany.  PA has allowed its citizens to profit so far, and we can't let that change.  NY just needs all the help it can get!


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