With the PA House of Representatives back in session, it is time to lobby our representatives with the request that they pass HB1684.
I emailed Matt Baker this morning and ask him if he thought that HB 1684 would be voted on this year.
Below is his response to my question.
I sure hope so as a co - sponsor of the bill. I have been pushing hard for a floor vote with leader Turzai and Speaker Smith to bring this bill up for a vote.
Matt is doing all he can do for us folks! Contact your representatives and ask them to push for a vote on HB 1684. If you don't HB 1684 just going to be swept under the rug!"
There is no better time than NOW to remind your state representative that WE want to see HB 1684 passed.
The election (November 4th) is fast approaching; I for one, will watch, wait and see exactly who supports HB1684 ..... and I suggest that all eligible voters do likewise.