Old thread much too long to follow. 


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Lu and I just came past the pipeline ROW where it crosses into our property. Workers were rolling up the blue water line. We stopped and ask if they were going to put down another pipeline? "Not until next spring" answered the  worker in the white helmet.

Where is the A-pad? west or east?

Granddad Ladd

Was not sure, but thought that was the location. Looks like your hayfield has been mowed. Saw only one flag  at very top. We counted 24 deer near A-pad one evening. They were all on the west side of the road. I was married to Wilda for 18 years. Her habit of collecting was literally shoving me out the door. Aside from that she is a good person!

Grandadd Ladd 

Yes, I know exactly where that is.  An 18 wheeler tanker truck heading up toward P-Pad about 4 or 5 hours ago. Do you think that a Pipeline ROW connecting all these units will be established and end up at Dominion storage?

Granddad Ladd

There are at least three gas wells between Knoxville and Elkland. As far as I know there are no plpelines to move gas from any of these three wells.

Granddad Ladd

Are you suggesting that Westfield twp. wells are perhaps about to change hands again?

A group of workers were coming out of a hayfield east of 249. J.P owns it I think. located a few hundred yards south of gulf course and a few hundred yds north of Howland hill road. May have been looking for suitable "ROW" for water line to Hardings place Two or three 18 wheelers hauled away pads used to support the booster pumps from Broughton hollow road crossing today.

Grandadd Ladd

HMMM?  Probably a larger source of working capital for Eclipse perhaps

Granddad Ladd

Unfortunately Lu and I were not here. there was a crew laying straw where the booster pumps had been setting and where the pads that were used had killed the access driveway to pumps. Thanks Old Timer!

Granddad Ladd

If I am reading you right Old Timer, then in your opinion, it looks as if "Flat Castle" will continue to be a growing area in the drilling endeavors.  

Granddad Ladd

Seems like there are so many companies and many other levels within each company that nothing can get done! On top of that, permits on top of permits are required for each tiny step made and then each step and permit made and registered requires a few or many $$$$ to complete. 

Last night, (Saturday 9/1/2018)  the J-Pad was lighted up so brightly that I thought a large city had been erected. Lots of noise too. Seems quiet tonight. Shut down for the holiday presumably.

Granddad Ladd

I had often wondered why the gas was burned off instead of why it was not captured in some way.  But I spose that flaring was an inexpensive way to remove excess debris and water from a well.

Granddad Ladd


This certainly not the most encouraging news I have heard today!  I wonder how many of the royalty receivers are actually reading this thread?  And I wonder how many have made commitments in hopes that their royalty payments will keep them afloat as they attempt to honor those commitments?

Aside from that, Eclipse may have to find "RAIN GEAR" to better deal with wet conditions.  A neighbor once told me of a year with so much wet weather that they "could not safely put even one spear of hay in their barn until the month of November!" 

Water for drilling was not a problem this year. Moving it to drilling sites was the big problem. Gas Pipelines and impoundments for storing water were installed. I would think that Eclipse would think twice before suggesting a smaller piece of the pie for land owners! 

Granddad Ladd


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