I looked in the sky and it is orange. Oh yes I have seen this before only its a lot bigger, what I drove down the road to see was the utica well being flared off on the patterson well. It had to be four or five times the size of the marcellus well flare which was in of itself a pretty good one. This well has a marcellus and a utica on it as a"test well". Looks like they passed the test. It is amazing and really hot from afar. It was raining and so as the flame was taller than the flare pipe, the groud was steaming all arond.

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This is in Butler Co, I believe a Rex well

This massive pond is also in Butler Co, also a Rex I think.  From the size of it, I think it is a regional storage pond..... which can happen if you don't have a well-written lease.

Thanks for the pics guys. I already know about the frack ponds on well sites. In the pics Mike posted, though,  it appears as though the frack pond was a separate, above ground structure of some sort. Or am I looking at it wrong. Just curious.

It is  above ground structure of some sort.

Yeah, that look likes temporary walls covered with a liner to make it water proof.  I'm guessing they are Superior Walls or some similar precast concrete wall system.

Interesting way to do it as it would be faster, cheaper, and easier to reclaim and restore.  Just hope they never have a failure.

These ponds were built like a kids trampoline, a skeleton of tubing covered with a waterproof membrane.        The pond that I am talking about is the Patterson well.   100+ acre not signed                                                  

Boy, I wish I had a shrimp pond that big!

Yeah, but you'd hate to have this on your property for several years with lots of trucks coming and going all day every day. There are several in Pa that I know of.  One guy says he has a hundred trucks a day drive by his house.  Most leases allow this unless they are written correctly.

Just stoped @ the well and it looked like they are pulling the snubbing pipe out anyone know why here a picture thanks


Stoped about one hour and they are putting the pipe [tubing] back into the Utica again.  12.10.2011 12.30pm 

Looks like the Pattersons are getting close to Royalty Time!

Does anyone have any idea why the frack tanks would still be on site?


After fracking the Rolling Acres well this is the sequence that appeared to me, of course i don't know but this is what I deduced:

Snubber came and pulled the balance of the frack pipe out of the well. I noticed some water in the process so I guess that is why they needed the frac tanks there as well. Then they snubbed the production casing in. Then the frac tank trailers left, then the snubber and everything else left.


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