I know how rumors get started.  You heard it from a friend that heard it from his friends neighbor, that heard it from a cousin..so on and so on.  But the word on the street is the Patterson well in Lawrence Co. went thru the marcellus, and the Utica and is now hitting Crude Oil.  Any truth to it?  Thats what I would like to know.  Heard the Patterson family was notified that they better hire  REALLY GOOD financial planner.  Comments Please!

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Todd, Please contact me (Ron) at 330 707 9688, we mange property for landowners and one of our owners has 52 acres in Lawrence county he needs to lease right away.
Ron -- I made several attempts to call you at this number today, the last call I made I left a message for you, and my cell number.  I look forward to speaking with you. 
Todd, thanks for your input.  Some of your statements were informative, while some left me leary.  I have a hard time believing that Shell would double their offer to landowners in Lawrence county out of the kindness of their heart or as you stated "to be fair".  They could have just let it ride out as a take it or leave it situation.  I don't think they wanted to lose the acres to another o & g company that could out bid them,  in what could be and hopefully is a "wet gas field".  I could be wrong, but I don't think I am.  Time will tell.
JRA, I don't blame you or anyone else for being leary with all the scuttlebutt and slanted information out there its hard to distinguish facts sometimes.  There's one side saying how nasty and sneaky the Industry is, conversely Industry is painting a pretty picture with roses and sunshine rays.  Somewhere in the middle is the truth,  as is the case most generally and its up to the individual to do their due diligence and educate themselves.  I still stick by my guns when I say Shell raised their offer to be fair.  That's the way it transpired, I was involved directly when the decision was made.  Right now there is no other competition in Lawrence County, so currently there is no fear of losing acres to another company.   One of your other comments say "there might have been fear of being outbid".  Just to clarify, Shell isn't bidding for leases.... they're buying leases.     

Todd, Point taken.  We have a landowners meeting next week, and in an email just recieved yesterday co-exprised stated they had three O&G Co. interested in Lawrence Co.  I don't know why they would lie, but we shall see.  Again, fingers are crossed.

Yesterday, I heard on the radio: Newt Gingrich said,  "Oil was discovered in Ohio."


  So that site they have been talking about must have found Oil.


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