Pennsylvania governor candidate wants to tax the gas and oil industry another 10%!!!!

Here we go again in Pennsylvania we finally manage to become the Fort Knox of the area and want to make it too expensive to take the gold out!  The golden goose wants to lay the eggs but some people want to kill it before it hatches the gold.........My response on facebook:

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bottom line is if Pennsylvania elects democrats it's all over. no debate there. I would bet that shell is waiting for the election to see what happens. elect democrats, no shell cracker. hahahaha.thanks dems.

absolutely gary, a vote for a democrat is a vote for an additional 10% in deductions from your royalties.

so if chk is taking 30%, make it 40% when the state takes their cut.

then figure your income taxes and it doesn't leave much for retirement or those other things you've needed for a long time.


a severance tax will not make it through both houses so long as one remains republican. you are wrong.

the new democratic governor will likely use the bully pulpit to pressure the legislature to pass a severance tax, but it will not work.

it will take a democratic landslide to bring the tax about and that is years away.

in the meantime, enjoy your royalties without 10% going to fund god knows what in Harrisburg. eventually the democrats will get their pound of flesh from us.


Know what we call Republican governors of blue, northeast states?  Democrats.


Problem is, when you fail to vote for a "Romney style" Republican, you end up with an "Obama style" Democrat.  Admittedly we are falling into a pit either way, but with Republicans it's a slower descent.

Have you taken the time to check out some of the Democrats running in Pennsylvania for Governor?  Several are not "Rendell style" Democrats - and Fast Eddie was bad enough - they are instead ultra-left-wing ideologues who think it would be wonderful if Pennsylvania emulated New York or California or Illinois.  Election of any such individual will mean the end of this Commonwealth as we know it!!  Anybody who likes the mess Obama is making of The United States of America should vote Democrat for Pennsylvania Governor and bring that catastrophe home!  For example, how is the Keystone Pipeline working for everyone these days!!!

We shall see how it goes , but IMHO most Pennsylvanians think teachers are overpaid and over "benefitized" as it is. Most Pennsylvanians think school district administrators are even more overpaid and "benefitized. Most Pennsylvanians are of the opinion that school districts WASTE more than too much $$$ on programs and sports stadiums as they try to out do each other on the taxpayers' back.

The Dems are choosing a platform plank that will blow up on them come election day and become the plank they are forced to take off the deck and into the deep. Let them run their campaign this way. They are on self destruct mode , locally and nationally. Game on!

let alone the  Pennsylvania democrat committee has made it known they want to end fracking altogether.

 But they love the money there getting from it.

Just wish the Democratic party would create jobs instead of digging deeper in hardworking landowners wallets.


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