Anyone have any info on future Pipe line routes in Guernsey county? And What about these bats we have  that prevent us from cutting trees on ROWs from the end of March til Oct. ? What difference is there in cutting for timber and ROWs? I've had timber cut on my place before without worrying about disturbing any bats..... Is this real?    

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MarkWest land man told me that if they really want the ROW bad enough they can pay a couple hundred thousand bucks to do a bat survey and go ahead and cut trees.... But the very seldom have done so in the past....

That's what they did on my neighbors property.  They paid a company to do a bat survey. Not sure what they found but Mark West put a pipeline in shortly after. Rumor is they had a hot bat girl come out and spend a few nights in the woods with nets doing the survey

They can cut trees in winter its the spring and summer when they cant

It seems though what ends up happening in some instances is that a pipeline project that would have started in the summer time gets put off until winter as they can't cut the trees until winter. Then the environmentally damage is greater because of the adverse conditions.
Of course the same groups pushing for the brown bat protection would no doubt like to be able to stop the companies from putting pipelines in all together. Also as anyone that has ever worked any kind of construction knows it takes about twice as long and cost twice as much to do a project in the winter time versus summer and fall.

You also need to understand that by only being allowed to cut trees during the winter month and with all the activity with so many pipelines and well accesses that there are only so many crews to get to do the work.

Wow, more bats!

5 years ago CHK told us we had a small window with the Brazilian bats, to do a ROW with them in WV.

Different bats in different areas....hmmmm

the wackjobs  in Pennsylvania banned logging in the Allegheny forest in the early 90's, because they ran across one Indiana bat. it resulted in the bankruptcy of a school district beside warren ,and taxes going up for other communities that received tax money from the timber. get rid of the democrats in 2014 16.

use directional drill da

Just some interesting facts.

One of them seem to be named after a Neighbor of mine. LOL


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